When to start using potty

During growth, there comes a stage in which a baby must learn to do things on his own in order to become a child. The moment that most reflects this is probably that in which the parents decide to dispense with the use of diapers and teach their son to use the bathroom. This transition must be done carefully and patiently, and for this it is important to use urinals with which the child will learn to do their needs only to begin to understand what will be done later on the toilet of adults. Regarding when to start using potty, it gives you the approximate ages as well as the signs that show that the child is ready to start getting older.

Ideal age to use potty

Children begin to control their bowels after 2 years of age, although other times starting at age 3. Before those ages, children can not control their bladders and need to empty them frequently. Therefore, from 2 years can learn to do their needs in the bathroom, leaving behind the diaper. However, this is not an exact science and you should be understanding if you notice that you are not ready yet.

On the other hand, children tend to take a little longer than girls to be ready and you should keep in mind that going through certain circumstances can also delay the time of learning to go to the bathroom alone. These circumstances can be, among others, the arrival of a brother, his first year of daycare or a change of home.

You should also avoid teaching him to use the potty during holidays or residing a season away from home, as he has to do it in the normality of the home through a training that can last several months and without pressure of any kind.

Signs that you are ready

Also, as a parent you have to be aware of the following signs that indicate when the child is ready to begin this adventure. Make sure that:

  • You can get off and get your pants on by yourself.
  • Warns by sounds, bending or moving that you have to evacuate.
  • Urinates or defecates more regularly and predictably, that is, more quantity at one time and fewer times.
  • It manages to stay dry for at least a couple of hours.
  • You already have coordination in your hands.
  • Walk alone
  • Obtain simple commands such as sitting or standing up.

Choose a potty

Before they learn to use the toilet like adults, it is appropriate to have them practice with a potty, an action that will begin with an imitation of the procedure used by adults, which is why it is imperative that they see you peeing from time to time. So once the child meets the above requirements, proceeds to buy a potty.

There are very affordable, around € 3, but there are also well-known brands that reach more than € 50. To start, you can choose one of the economic ones until the child gets used to it. In addition, the ideal is that you go with him to the store to help you choose it, so you will be enthusiastic about the idea. But it is essential that you never take it as a toy, so you should limit the time you sit in the potty and have it relate only to this activity.

Teach him how to use the potty

The first thing you should do is show him the steps : get off his pants, sit in the potty, relieve himself, let him know when he is ready to be cleaned or that he cleans himself correctly (this is what you have to teach him), as well as putting on his pants and washing hands. In addition, you have to keep in mind that they set the pace throughout the process, so avoid pressure or correct their behavior at the time of peeing or shit.

On the other hand, the use of the potty does not imply a quick learning, because sometimes it can take months until the child learns to use it correctly. So try to be patient with your son or daughter. The important thing is that you practice enough to get it done correctly and thus acquire an independence in the medium term.