How to know if a child has been sexually abused

Child sexual abuse is one of the most serious problems that our society experiences. Children victims of these situations, for various reasons, do not usually inform about what is happening, so it is important to be alert to any signal that may indicate that a child is suffering from sexual abuse. This behavior generates in the child a series of behaviors and reactions that are not appropriate for their age, even the psychological consequences that this problem entails, are even more serious. That is why it is necessary that if a child has been the victim of any type of abuse, be treated by a specialist early. Next, we will introduce you, how to know if a child has been sexually abused.

Steps to follow:


Visible injuries It has to do with all those visible marks, which are not always obvious. The child may have difficulty walking or sitting, may have bruises, bites and even infections in the genital areas. In some cases, breaks appear in clothing, blood in underwear, etc.


Behaviors It has regressive behaviors that are typical of younger children, such as having no sphincter control. It is also common for their school performance to decrease markedly and to have aggressive behaviors and hyperactivity.


Daily life. Every time the difficulties to conciliate the dream, appetite disorder (bulimia, anorexia), and attacks of sudden tears for no apparent reason begin to be more frequent. Avoid staying alone, ask an adult or someone you trust to stay with him all the time.


Emotional aspects. There is a drastic change in their humot, it is generally characterized by a withdrawal, but from time to time aggressive and hyperactive behaviors appear. Presents depressive features, there is a marked increase in anxiety and manifests features of low self-esteem.


Sexual behavior He has sexual knowledge and behavior inappropriate for his age. They usually make drawings, have fantasies or participate in games that refer to sexual activities. He also often uses an excessive amount of clothing to leave the house or inside the house, as a way to make the abuse more difficult.


Destructive behavior They can have violent behavior towards themselves, generating injuries of all kinds and even in some cases, these children have had suicidal behaviors or ideas.


Relationships. They have difficulty relating to children their age. Many times, they refuse to visit relatives or friends of the family. They tend to isolate themselves from their friends and family.

  • If you suspect that a child is being abused, talk to him and consult urgently with a specialist.