How to know my zodiac sign

To determine a person's zodiac sign, it is necessary to know what day it was born . Based on this fact, the sun was found on a sign of the determined zodiac that according to Astrology, establishes common characteristics of the personality in all those born under it. In the following article we indicate the dates to find out what your zodiac sign is .


Before we begin to explain how to know what your zodiac sign is, we want to clarify that to consult any doubt or to know more about aspects of the horoscope, signs of the zodiac, destiny or future, the best thing is always to address professionals. For example, you can contact Omitie on Tarot Visa: 910 359 005 USA and Puerto Rico and Canada: 1-305-507-8029 .

Under the sign of Capricorn, all those born between December 22 and January 20 are grouped. Stable, safe and quiet. They stand out for being very hardworking, responsible, practical, ambitious and fighters.

Discover all the characteristics of the people of this horoscope in our articles:

  • How are the Capricorn
  • How is Capricorn in love


Between January 21 and February 19, all those born on this date will correspond to the zodiac sign of Aquarius. There are 2 types of Aquarius: the sensitive and shy and, on the other hand, the safe and alive. But, in general, they are usually generous, humble people with a great imagination that helps them enjoy their lives to the fullest.

Discover more about Aquarius in articles:

  • How are the Aquarius
  • How is Aquarius in love


All those born between February 20 and March 20 are Pisces . Quiet, patient and kind. They have a lot of tact to treat others and always respond with great sympathy. That is why one of their strengths is that they are great friends and people who can be trusted fully.

Know all the details about the horoscope of Pisces in the following articles:

  • How are the Pisces
  • How is Pisces in love


The Aries are those born between March 21 and April 20 . They are the leaders of the zodiac, full of energy they like to propose challenges and command, much more than obeying. They tend to be quite impulsive and stubborn when it comes to debating, but at the same time they are extremely sensitive and dedicated.

Find out more about the Arians in the articles:

  • How are the Aries
  • How is Aries in love


Between April 21 and May 21 . Very conservative and quiet, they like peace and traditions. They are orderly, practical, determined and with a strong will that allows them to achieve everything that they propose in life.

Learn all about the Taurus in the articles:

  • How are the Taurus
  • How is Taurus in love


Between May 22 and June 21 . They have a very variable character that is sometimes a bit contradictory. They are very enthusiastic, new challenges continually arise, although in most cases they do not end up due to lack of patience.

Discover more about the Geminians' personality in:

  • How are the Gemini
  • How is Gemini in love


Between the 22nd of June and the 23rd of July . It is the most complicated sign of the zodiac, since people of this sign usually have a dual personality, being able to be from the most timid and insecure to the most daring and extroverted. They are also lovers of the traditional, very homely and family.

Discover more features of Cancer in:

  • How are the Cancer
  • How is Cancer in love


From July 24 to August 23 . It is one of the most dominant signs of the zodiac. They are very ambitious people, sure of themselves and do not fear anything. Their great strength and creativity leads them to achieve all the goals they set for themselves, and they know very well how to solve all the problems.

Learn more about the Leo's personality in:

  • How are the Leo
  • How is Leo in love


From August 24 to September 23 . Conventional and conservative. The Virgo are characterized by being observers, reserved, shy and with difficulties to express what they feel on many occasions. They are also lovers of order and a little obsessed with cleanliness.

Discover more about the Virgo in:

  • How Virgos are
  • How is Virgo in love


From September 24 to October 23 . They are considered to be the most civilized of the entire zodiac. They stand out for being very kind, with a delicate personality and with good taste. They love beauty, art, harmony and do not usually enter into conflicts.

If you want to know more about Libra, consult the articles:

  • How are the Libra
  • How is Libra in love


From October 24 to November 22 . They are very energetic people, with a great magnetism and with a quite strong and dominant character. They love power, being leaders and taking on complex responsibilities.

Learn more about the Scorpio people in:

  • How the Scorpio are
  • How is Scorpio in love


From November 23 to December 21 . Sagittarians love adventures and all those experiences unknown to them. They have a very versatile personality, capable of adapting to any situation, they are very optimistic, sincere and stand out for their great honesty.

Meet Sagittarius more deeply in the articles:

  • How are the Sagittarius
  • How is Sagittarius in love

  • Check your horoscope according to your day of birth.