How to recognize character through body language

Body language is one of the most powerful tools available to human beings. We can try to hide our feelings even we can be lacking in the truth, but our body language will betray us in an instant. 93% of communication is non-verbal, smiles, looks, hugs, indifference, all are part of the order of body language . Every day we travel with the world communicating through gestures and attitudes and many times it is difficult for us to interpret what other people are transmitting to us through them. Next, we will introduce you to how to recognize character through body language.

Steps to follow:


Self-confidence. When we are in front of a person who has self-confidence, this will be reflected in their attitudes. Thus, these people, while they are talking, will intermittently maintain eye contact. They will also maintain a prudent distance and their body posture will reflect relaxation. Both your legs and your arms will be in a slightly open position, which will not only demonstrate confidence but also openness. Their gestures will be subtle and transmit tranquility.


Submission. Submissive people are the ones that are easier to detect. They will transmit to us from the beginning their insecurity. They will sit on the edge of the chair and establish little eye contact. Nervous laughter will appear frequently as well as the almost unquestioning acceptance of everything that others say. When they talk, part of their mouth or face will be partially covered.


Insecurity. Unsafe people will be nervous as the conversation develops. The hands in the pockets and the scarce visual contact, are two parameters that will allow us to detect this type of people. Playing with hair and bitten nails are also signs of insecurity. These people are usually in continuous movement, even when they are sitting move their feet or legs.


Aggressiveness. Aggressive people usually try to hide their reactivity to others, however, there are certain features that escape this attempt. Closed fists and rigid body posture are classic signs of these people. The distance that they maintain is scarce and they try to maintain eye contact for a long time. When you argue with others, you usually point with your index finger and make a movement with it.


Handling. The manipulators will try to gain your trust, so they will use all available tools to achieve this purpose. Your tone of voice will reflect sweetness and your gestures will be exaggerated. Your movements are overactive and will try to get closer and have some physical contact, such as touching your hand or placing your hand on your shoulder. Try to handle the conversation in order to achieve your goal.


Disinterest When we meet a person who is not interested, we will find clear signs that will allow us to detect it. He makes noises with his fingers or with his feet, he continually watches the clock or the window, he does not establish visual contact with us. Place your hands on your head or face and reflect anxiety that the situation ends as soon as possible.


Interest Unlike the disinterested person, the person who shows an attitude of interest will maintain eye contact and try to imitate your posture. The arms and feet will keep them slightly open denoting opening. I will try to intervene in the conversation as many times as I consider prudent. It will also try to keep a prudent distance.