How to ask for help from people to pay for college

Paying university tuition is becoming more expensive, at the same time that each year they become stricter when granting scholarships and grants, so it is necessary to resort to other ways to finance studies. One way is to ask for a loan for students, but it is not the best option if the amount required is quite small. To solve these money problems, .com explains how to ask for help from people to pay for college .

Neighbors and acquaintances

To earn extra money thanks to your neighbors and acquaintances, you can perform small tasks or jobs during the summer or part of the course, such as refresher classes for your children, gardening, babysitting, etc. It is advisable that, in these cases, the price of the task is chosen by the other people.


Asking relatives for money always becomes uncomfortable, but you can talk directly to them, explaining the situation and showing that, through the request for scholarships and grants, you are doing everything possible to finance the studies, although it is not enough . If you do not know how to do it face to face, a good option may be to write them a letter in which you explain the scenario and request their help.


Exploiting your talents can earn money. To do this you can carry out street performances, so that people who like what you do give you some money. In this way you can take advantage of your skills and qualities.

To work

Another option is the search for a job to get paid for the studies. There are many companies that offer the possibility of working part-time, allowing an adaptation to the class schedule. Obviously, it reduces study time, but you will get compensation in return. To have more flexibility, you can talk with family and friends who have a business or business, so that they would help you financially in exchange for your workforce. A temporary job during the summer can also be a good solution to the problem.