How to move from the breast to the bottle

Your child's life will be full of important steps, even from the first months of life, at which time their habits change in an accelerated way due to growth. This is the time to face the passage of breast milk to the formula, an episode that many mothers do not know how to take, so in .com we want to give you a guide of suggestions so you know how to move from the breast to the bottle and keep your happy baby

Steps to follow:


If you have decided to wean your baby because you have to return to work, the first recommendation is to introduce the bottle gradually, a few weeks before returning to work routine, so together you can live this new experience and you will have the opportunity to monitor your small


It is important to understand that both the texture offered by the bottle and the suction technique that is required is different from what your baby has experienced with your breast, so at first it may be difficult to get used to all this novelty, it is normal so there's nothing to fear


It is recommended that your first bottle be from someone other than you, so the baby will not feel confused wondering why he is not eating where he usually does. Do not stay close, he (she) can smell you and demand your presence and that of your breasts in your diet


Since your baby will have to suck differently, it may cost you a lot at the beginning, so it is recommended to give a bottle a little before your usual meal time, so you will be hungry to try it, but you will not be desperate to eat, which could irritate you if you do not get sucked as he is used to


At the beginning you can alternate the two types of feeding and see the reactions of your baby, jumping a breastfeeding and bottle feeding, if you notice that it adapts well you can permanently suspend breastfeeding. If you have any doubt, ask your pediatrician


Shortens the duration of breastfeeding, an important step for the baby to get used to the change.


When the mother is not there the baby can eat less than usual, it is normal to react like this due to the many changes in such a short time. It is also usual to wake up more times than usual at night, this will stop happening the moment you get used to the new routine


Before choosing the formula you will use consult your pediatrician, remember that each baby is different and does not react the same to the same marks or compounds


Going from the breast to the bottle should not be a traumatic experience for either of them, and can allow you the same kind of intimacy that they had during breastfeeding, as well as allowing other family members such as the father or grandparents to participate. in the process of feeding the little

  • If you do not manage to take the step from the breast to the bottle, if your baby resists it is good that you consult with your pediatrician