How to improve the energy of my body

When you have a lack of energy, the likelihood of forgetfulness and errors increases and if you consume caffeine you can develop anxiety and irritability. Improving mental agility can be achieved through diet, exercise and healthy sleep habits. The vitamins, nutrients and minerals found in food contribute to mental agility. By having good sleep habits you will prevent your body from running out of energy during the day, which reduces the need for caffeine.

You will need to:
  • Multivitamins
Steps to follow:


Consume 600 mg of DHA per day. DHA is a fatty acid similar to omega-3, which contribute to your health. DHA is found in foods that contain fish oil, as well as salmon, halibut, tuna and mackerel.


Take multivitamins that contain vitamin B12 and D, these help to have energy by producing blood glucose. According to the National Institute of Health, you should not consume more than 600 IU of vitamin D per day, since excessive amounts of vitamin D increases the risk of toxicity. Limit your daily intake of vitamin B12 to 2.4 micrograms in men and women over 14 years of age and 2.6 micrograms in those women who are pregnant.


Drink water to avoid dehydration . Consuming eight glasses of water a day, is ideal to keep your body hydrated. The color of your urine is the best way to determine if you are getting enough water. This should be transparent and your mouth should feel moist during the day, according to Oz and Michael F. Roizen, authors of "You: You're beautiful."


Stretch for 20 minutes and then exercise for 45 minutes a day to give your body an energy boost, according to Oz and Roizen. The body responds to exercise by increasing blood flow, which improves the circulation of oxygen through your arteries.


Brisk walking, bicycling, running and lifting weights help increase energy levels.

  • Consult with a doctor the best methods so that your body does not run out of energy.