How to justify in the work that I went to vote

If you work on election day and you do not know what to say to your superior to be able to attend, we help you by informing you of your rights and tools to do so. There are supporting documents to prove that you have exercised your right to vote at a polling station. In addition, your company is required to grant you the time necessary for you to go to vote and pay it as if they were working hours. If an employee has to work during a Election day, the Law establishes that you can leave your job to go to the polls. So no worries.

Steps to follow:


Suffrage is a right recognized by the Constitution . You do not have to present a proof in the work that testifies that you have gone to vote. Moreover, your company is obliged to grant you the necessary time to travel to your polling station and to receive it as if they were working hours. The autonomous communities set these time periods, which usually vary between the hour and 4 hours. even so you think it is convenient to return to your place of work with a voucher to have voted, request it at your polling station.


If you are voting by mail, the same conditions apply as in the previous step. Your company is obliged to grant you the necessary time to vote by correspondence. In case you want to request a receipt, you must do so at the post office.


If you have been selected to be part of a polling station, your company has the obligation to grant you a paid day off . You must accredit your presence presented in the work the summons of the Electoral Board of your province or autonomous community. If it is the case that you work on the night of the election day, you can take it free, but your company will not pay you.


If you have been summoned as a substitute for a polling station, you have the right to be present at the time of the call, which will be paid. If you are selected to be part of the table, your company must grant you a paid day off and the same rights as described in the previous step will apply.


If you work at night, your company does not have to change your shift or give you free time. Your working day would not coincide with the electoral and there would be no violation of rights. It is not the same if you work at night and the next day you have to be part of a polling station. In this situation your company would be forced to change your turn.


Consult the Electoral Law and the Statute of Workers to know the rights and obligations of a citizen in a poll.