How to interpret the most common dreams

Dreams are the most fascinating and mysterious aspect of human experience. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams represent our secret desires, passions and fears. He went so far that he called dreams "the real way" of the subconscious mind. Others believe that our dreams are just the sleeping mind trying to put together the puzzle of daily life. While the purpose of dreams remains a mystery, there are certain dreams that we all have in common and that we have ever experienced, in this article of .com we give you tools to discover how to interpret the most common dreams successfully.

The interesting world of dreams

There is no doubt that much of what surrounds the subconscious of dreams is a mystery, but there are some interesting facts that science knows about this subject:

  • We all dream every night, even if we can not remember our dreams. An average person spends 2 hours each night dreaming.
  • Only 12% of us dream exclusively in black and white.
  • People who have been blind from birth have dreams that are formed from other senses.
  • Many musicians confessed to find inspiration in dreams: some hear musical tones and others the lyrics of their songs.

Do you have a recurring dream that you can not decipher ?, Well read on because you may find an answer in the following lines.

Interpret the most common dreams

Here we present some of the interpretations of the most recurrent dreams that we usually have:

  • Did you ever dream that you are being persecuted ? We do not know what or who we want to get away from, but it is a bad thing and the worst thing is that we are always in the same place! It is said that this type of dream can be a growing indebtedness or new responsibilities that we are avoiding. People run to get away quickly from something, what is the problem you avoid?
  • Dreaming of a baby Generally women talk about an unknown baby that appears in their dreams. If you do not recognize the baby, it's you! This baby represents your inner child who needs more care and attention.
  • Dream of falling This is a very common dream and it is not surprising that people believe that their life is out of control. Are you aware of your actions? Have you taken too much responsibility at work or another aspect of life? Did your financial situation go out of control? Analyze it and discover what happens.
  • Flying is another recurring theme in dreams and is interpreted as a very positive dream experience. You are above all things, you are superior, everything is going well in some or all aspects of your life.
  • If you ever experienced the dream of falling teeth you know how annoying it can be. Although there are a variety of interpretations, our teeth are a symbol of power and control. I have bad news: either you are afraid of losing control or you see your power threatened in some area of ​​your life.
  • Another recurrent dream is that of the school, usually accompanied by an exam that we are not prepared to do. I can cause you anxiety, but there is something that comes to your life, you must detect it as soon as possible and prepare yourself.
  • The discovery of a new room in the house is also common in the dream world. It is believed that the house is you and the new room is an aspect of your life that you are knowing, something new that you had hidden or that you have learned from yourself.
  • And if at night you have recurring nightmares, we invite you to read our articles that explain why we have nightmares and how to avoid nightmares.