How to interpret dreams about tornadoes

Dreams about tornadoes can have a variety of meanings, including change, emotional distress, destruction and volatile situations. The more things you can remember about your tornado dream, the better your interpretation will be. The analysis of dreams means looking for the symbolism of objects in a reference book of dreams, taking into account that the best interpretations are applied to their life situation. If you have trouble remembering your dreams, try putting a notebook and pencil next to your bed so you can write as soon as you wake up.

Steps to follow:


Write down the details of the tornado dream as soon as you wake up, or as soon as possible, if you remember the dream later. Writing can refresh the memory and provide more details to the mind. Try to remember exactly how you felt and what happened, if you were frightened or reassured, if there were several tornadoes, if you were running towards it or away from it. The more details you can remember, the better you can interpret the dream.


Look for "tornado" in a dream symbolism book online. Tornadoes can have many meanings in dreams. Read through the symbolism carefully and be aware of your reaction to each meaning. A tornado can be interpreted, for example, as the change by land through your life. Tornadoes can also be associated with a sense of helplessness in the face of greater force.


Decide which interpretation makes the most sense based on your particular life circumstances. Some explanations should agree with you more than with others. The tornado can symbolize a situation in your life that needs to be examined more closely. Once again, writing can help clarify what the dream of tornado means to you. Once you have read about the meaning of your dream, you may be able to use it to help you understand your situation in a more profound and meaningful way.


Keep calm. Try to remember that even though the dream could have been terrifying, it was just a dream. Although dreaming about tornadoes can cause painful feelings and fearful thoughts, analyzing sleep can help you understand your fears and help you feel more in control over your life.

  • Although dreams and nightmares can be fascinating to analyze, they may have nothing to do with your emotional state. Certain medications can cause nightmares. Illness or fever can also contribute to strange dreams.
  • If your tornado dreams are causing you anguish or the fear of nightmares keeps you from sleeping, talk to your doctor.