How to massage a baby

Massage for babies can be considered a means of communication, because it is a time of the day in which parents and babies communicate in a pleasant way. This type of massage provides security and comfort to the baby, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, promotes intestinal transit and reduces pain and cramping. In addition, it is very useful because babies do not acquire consciousness of their body until 7 months of age. Keep reading this article on how to give a massage to your baby and you will see that it is very easy and easy to apply steps. The most important thing is to choose well the time of day that we do it, because it is very important that both the father or mother and the baby are relaxed.

Preparation of the material and the room.

To make the massage to your baby, you have to prepare the room or room in which you will work beforehand. You have to prepare the cream or body oil without essences with which you will give the massage to your baby. You will also need a bed or you can use your changing table and put a towel on top to not stain it. You have to make sure you have a good temperature in the room, the recommended is about 24ºC.

Selection of the moment to do the massage.

The child has to be calm and relaxed, and we have to avoid all possible distractions. That's why we recommend that you give him the massage more or less after half an hour of having eaten and that only you and your baby are in the room or room where you will give him the massage. This way the child will pay more attention to the massage and this will be more effective. The best way to start the massage is by playing with the baby and talking to him or her throughout the duration of the massage, so that your attention is captured and you feel more comfortable. Start applying the massage to your baby, you have to undress him and lay him on his back. Then you have to apply the cream or lotion you bought on the tips of your fingers and then rub both hands to warm them before touching your baby. Here we tell you how to do the massage and we separate it by body parts.

Massage on the head and neck.

When you have the cream spread in your hands and these are hot, you have to start the massage by performing very soft scrubs with all your fingers. From the central part of the forehead and directing each hand towards each side at a time. Repeating the movement 5 times. Next you have to make a few caresses from the top of your nose towards the lower contour of your eyes, that is, in the dark circles. You have to repeat this movement about 5 times. After that you have to make 5 circles around your lips, and then you have to apply a few strokes marking your smile. That is, you have to start stroking from the middle and lower part of your lip and move both hands up to your labial commissures. To finish this area, you have to caress her neck from the bottom of her ears to her shoulders. Repeating this movement 5 times.

Massage on the arms and hands.

You have to start the massage in this area once the caresses on the shoulders are finished. The first movement you have to do is to slide your hands doing a little pressure along your arms. From your shoulders to the tips of your fingers. The second movement consists of making circles with the index and thumb fingers of your hands and surrounding your arms. In this position you have to slide your hands along your upper extremities. Taking special care not to apply pressure eln elbow area and your wrist.

Massage in the chest and stomach.

First you have to start applying caresses from the center of your breasts to your shoulders, as if you would like to open this area. Repeating this movement 5 times. Next you have to caress your stomach . The direction of the movement is from left to right, in the direction of the waters of the clock, as if you were drawing circles around your navel. We recommend that you repeat this movement several times (about 10 or more) because this reduces colic and the accumulation of gases.

Massage on the legs and feet.

The work in this area of ​​the body is a little like the area of ​​the arms and hands, previously worked. The first thing you have to do is apply a few strokes on both legs, ending at the tips of your toes. And after having made several caresses on the legs of your baby, you have to surround each of his legs with both hands and apply a movement as if you were making a roller. That is, one hand on each side of his leg and when one rises the other low; You have to do this movement alternately. And repeat it on each leg. Next you have to put your feet in your hands and do a little traction or stretch of your legs towards you, and then you have to bend your legs. To finish this area, you have to knead the soles of your feet by movements of circles with the thumbs of your hands.


To do the massage on your baby's back, you have to place it face down. Once you have it in the correct position, you have to make a caress from his head down the back, his legs and ending at the tip of his feet. Then you have to make small circular movements on his shoulders and then on the entire surface of your back. Once these circular movements are finished, you have to make a small friction along your back, from your head to the lower part of your back with the index and middle fingers of a hand. Avoid touching your cervical spine. Then you have to massage the back of your legs in the same way you have done with your front (friction and circles along your legs). To finish the massage of your baby, you have to do three frictions without pressure from your head to the bottom of your feet and finally you have to cover it with a towel so it is not cold.

  • A good time of the day is after the child's shower, while you can take advantage of the body cream that is given to the child to apply the massage.