How to make a young child understand the No

Between the first and the second year our baby is old enough to understand the meaning of the word no, but the reality is that the parents pronounce it very often and for the child it can be difficult to detect when it is a serious order and when it is nothing more than a casual expression . For that reason, in .com we give you some keys so that you can put limits and know how to make a small child understand the no

Steps to follow:


As of the year it is necessary for parents to begin to teach discipline in the child, it is important that he understands the limits, since from this stage he will become an explorer of his surroundings and must have clear rules and regulations and know until where can you get


When the child is ready to do something that is forbidden, for example take some object with which he can not play, you must approach, put yourself at his level, look him in the eye and without upset tell him firmly "no"


During this stage it is important to elaborate simple sentences and accompany them with gestures, for example, "no, with that you do not play", and with a delicate movement remove the object from your hand


This premise of visual contact, decision but calm, simple phrases and gestures should become a pattern, but take into account that you will have to repeat it a lot and in different situations because the mission is for the child to understand the limits


It is important that all the people who care for the child use the same technique to say no, because if they receive different instructions they could get confused and take more time to understand what the non-discipline means.


In addition everyone must agree on what are the things that the child should not do to make the guidelines much clearer for the child


Everyone should be attentive to the child's behavior to correct what we know not to do. If one day we call attention, but the next we ignore it, we are undoing what we have achieved, so once a norm is established it must be maintained


It is necessary to be persistent, a task that can be exhausting, because it is sometimes the children have the habit of doing again and again what is forbidden, so remember not to lose patience and understand that this is also part of the process of disciplining to the small

  • You must have a lot of patience and calmness, there are small ones that are defiant or rebellious, but even if it costs you the best thing is not to get upset
  • You can not convert the act of imparting discipline on a battlefield, remember that the adult is you so self-control is important