How to make my son eat fish

If you are a father you will understand how difficult it is to convince the little ones to eat certain dishes. One of the most nutritious and basic foods to maintain a balanced diet is fish . Therefore, it is imperative that children are accustomed to eating it and learn to appreciate it. But how to achieve it if it resists? In we have the keys on how to make your child eat fish .

Eat fish and enjoy it in front of your son

To begin, you should keep in mind that children learn by imitation, so if they see you eating fish they will also be encouraged to do so. When you eat from your plate, it emits sounds of enjoyment so that they see that the fish is appetizing. This will generate curiosity in them and they will not be able to resist to try it.

Do not pressure the child to eat it

Do not insist that they eat it, because considering something as an obligation causes rejection. Therefore never press your child or blackmail him with the possibility of not giving him dessert if he does not finish his plate. This would only get him to repudiate the mealtime.

Bet on the variety when cooking it

Ideally, if your little one does not like fish, prepare it in other ways. If you need to improve its flavor, simply make it breaded or breaded, or add the child's favorite sauce . Remember that there are many ways to prepare this dish, among which stand out grilled, fried, baked, battered, in sauce, or you can even make fish burgers and tuna empanadas.

Create fish figurines

Prepare the fish in a fun way. For example, you can create the rations in the form of figurines, which will be more attractive. Buy different molds in the shape of flowers, stars and animals. This will encourage your child to eat it, as it will be fun.

Remove the fish bones

On the other hand, if what your toddler does not tolerate are the thorns we also find a solution: simply ask for fish to those who have removed the thorns in the fish market. Otherwise you could remove them yourself when you have to clean them . For example, in this case some good options are sole, cod and hake.