Why dogs like to have their belly scratched

One of the most common ways in which dogs and humans bond is through caresses and mutual affection. They love that we pay attention to them, but of all the possible gestures, no doubt one of the most pleasant ones is that they scratch their bellies . In this ecstatic moment the animal feels great, part of the herd and attended by the most important person for him: his dream.

But do you know why dogs like to have their bellies scratched ? If you have always asked, keep reading, because in this article we answer you.

What does it mean that the dog exposes his belly?

The dog shows us his belly as a sign of submission and confidence, this gesture tells us that the animal knows who the alpha is and that he completely trusts us, knowing that we will not harm him. Do not forget that this position denotes great vulnerability, so it is a way for the animal to tell us that it feels comfortable with us.

However it is also possible that showing the belly is a sign of submission driven by fear, in this case you can also observe gestures such as sticking the tail between the legs and licking the hands of the owner. This can be done by the dog to other stronger animals, when he greets his owner or in front of a person he does not know well, so if the dog looks nervous or tense when he shows his belly, it is best not to scratch the animal immediately., but do it when you feel comfortable and in true confidence.

Pleasure, the obvious cause of enjoying it so much

Obviously this form of contact with their owner, with a person they trust and whom they identify as the leader of the pack, gives them pleasure, a simple reason why dogs like to have their belly scratched. For these pets it is an act that reassures them and gives them security, strengthening the ties with their owner.

Once we have made clear in the previous section that not all dogs expose their belly to be scratched, not all dogs enjoy this action either . If you have noticed that your animal only shows its belly when it is very nervous, afraid or tense, but when you try to caress it in the area at other times it simply turns around quickly, this clearly indicates that it does not enjoy the action, so so much to respect and not do it.

Try caressing it in other areas such as the back or behind the ears, usually pleasant points for this pet.

Keys to pet the dog and enjoy it

  • Do not pet your dog in the belly when he looks nervous or scared . The animal's reaction can be unpredictable and it is best to wait until it calms down and feel confident to do so.
  • Petting a dog is an act in which both should feel at ease and in confidence, so when it comes to a foreign dog is important to allow the animal to approach us, we smell and feel comfortable with our presence, before giving him a caress. Start with areas such as the back, the head or behind the ears, but if you notice any sign of rejection by the animal, stop doing so immediately.
  • If you do not know the dog well always caress it gently and never abruptly or you could scare it. Pets can respond without problem to rough caresses by their owners when they are used, but a stranger is very different therefore caution.
  • Do not give the dog slaps or chachetadas because it is not something that you enjoy, you prefer to caress it gently with the tips of your fingers or gently massage your back or belly, you will enjoy it much more.
  • Always respect the dog, if you detect that there is an area that does not like to be touched, do not insist or the animal may end up reacting negatively. However domesticated it is, it is an animal and we must not forget that it deserves respect and consideration.