What is the knee bone called?

The knee is one of the most important joints of our body, supporting much of our weight and providing the necessary cushioning when we perform physical activities such as walking, running, jumping, etc. Caring for them properly is very important because conditions such as overweight, constant impact or a strong blow could cause injuries that end up harming our mobility.

Much of the effectiveness of our knees as shock absorbers lies in its mechanism, composed of 3 bones and 2 fibrocartilaginous discs that allow us to rotate, propel or run with less impact. Do you know what the knee bone is called ? If you want to discover it, read on, because in this article of .com we explain it in detail.

The bones of the knee are 3

By definition, a joint is the union of two or more bones, therefore and because the knee is an articulation, it is not conformed by a single bone but by 3.

The bones that make it up are:

  • The femur, located in the most distant area with respect to the knee, is the bone that is in our thighs, the longest and strongest of our body.
  • The tibia, located in the area closest to the knee, corresponds to the lower end of our legs.
  • Patella : it is a small short bone located in the anterior part of the knee, articulating with the femur.

The main bones that make up the knee are the femur and the tibia, while the patella is a kind of pulley in which the terminal of the femoral quadriceps tendon is inserted. Despite being a small bone is the one that allows us to perform activities such as running, jumping, walking, among others.

Keys to take care of our knees

Because the knees are the largest joints in the body and those that support the heaviest weight, they tend to suffer significant stress both at the time of physical activity and in our day to day. To avoid any injury to the knee that may affect your mobility and compromise the performance of physical activity, it is important to take into account some suggestions, so we recommend you:

  • Maintain a healthy weight Remember that the knees are responsible for supporting the weight of our body and when it is excessive these joints end up suffering and injuring themselves.
  • Perform physical activity frequently to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees and thus reduce the possibility of injury. Exercises such as walking, swimming, cycling or doing endurance activities are highly recommended.
  • Always warm up before exercising, especially if it involves a lot of work from the knees. Warm up the muscles is basic to guarantee a good response of our body to physical activity.
  • Use good shoes that are comfortable, anatomical and cushion your steps well. This will decrease the strain your knees suffer when walking or doing physical activity.
  • Take care of the intensity with which you exercise and avoid sudden changes in speed or posture, which could cause injury in the area.
  • Remember that if you are not in your weight it is not recommended to practice impact activities such as running, jumping, playing soccer or tennis. This could affect your joints negatively producing injuries not only on your knees but also on your ankles and feet.

Follow these suggestions and you will always keep your knees healthy.