Where do the cats sweat?

The felines are very good at resisting the heat despite all the hair that covers their body, however it is likely that although the temperatures are very high you have never seen your cat sweat before. This does not mean that these animals do not have an efficient cooling system, but that it is not the same as ours.

Unlike us, we have sweat glands throughout the body, these pets have them located at specific points, also using other systems to expel heat and ensure the right temperature. Do you wonder where the cats sweat ? Keep reading, because in this article of .com we explain it to you.

The sweat glands of the cat

Sweating is an organic process of great importance for both humans and other animals. In the case of cats, heat, physical activity, fever, excitement, fear or stress can cause their body temperature to increase, when this happens the brain of the animal sends a message to start the process of releasing hot.

The cats have sweat glands located at strategic points of their body, for example the chin, the lips, the anal area and on the pads of their legs, where they release the most sweat. Therefore, when the animal has gone through any situation that increases its temperature, it is able to leave moist traces that can be seen in certain types of soils.

But this is not the only way that cats have to cool off, they also have other interesting strategies.

A powerful and effective language

Surely you will have noticed that your cat spends much of his day preening, licking his fur to keep clean, a custom very typical of felines that keeps a secret related to their way of cooling.

And is that although cats sweat by the legs, this system is not so efficient as to work on its own, so the cat has other alternatives, one of them related to grooming. It turns out that this measure allows the saliva that the cat leaves on its fur to evaporate and cool the animal when it needs it, helping it to regulate its temperature.

Another option is panting, a form of cooling used also by dogs. Panting the cat allows the heat that is accumulated in your chest out through the moisture that produces in your throat, mouth and tongue, helping to regulate the temperature. However, unlike dogs, cats are not physically so active so it is very strange to watch them pant. In the case that you detect your animal doing it, it is important to pay attention, since it could be accumulating heat in a dangerous way.

In this case it is recommended to take the animal to the shade and administer fresh water on your lips so you can cool your body sooner. If you notice that the animal does not behave normally, it is best to take it to the veterinarian because it could be suffering a heat stroke .

Signs indicating a possible heat stroke

As we have explained previously, panting is not common in cats and in most cases indicates that the animal is really very hot. To avoid suffering from a heat stroke that compromises your life and health, it is necessary to know the symptoms of this condition and the measures to take into account to help your feline.

Symptoms of heat stroke in cats

  • The feline gasps intensely.
  • Your breathing is fast and difficult.
  • The animal is stunned, does not want to get up or move.
  • Your heart rate is fast.
  • The gums can turn blue.
  • It presents muscle tremors, vomiting and in the worst case collapse.

How to act in this condition

In the event that your animal is suffering a heat stroke you should:

  • Take it to a cool place and in the shade, if there are fans or better air conditioning.
  • Moisten your lips with fresh water and let it drink only if you want.
  • Moisten with fresh water areas such as groin, armpits, head and neck, this will help cool your fur and lower the temperature. You can apply a wet rag in these areas but do not wrap your pet with it.
  • You can wet the cat with a soft stream of fresh water to reduce its temperature more quickly.
  • Once the animal appears stable, take it to the veterinarian for a review.

Feline puppies or elderly, dark-skinned, obese and flat-faced, are the most prone to this condition, so you should pay special attention.