How dogs see

Do you want to know what is the vision of dogs ? Well, we anticipate that the vision of dogs is different from that of humans, is much more adapted to the dark and with a much wider field of vision. In addition, dogs perceive fewer colors and less visual acuity since the vision of a dog is prepared to be a specialized predator. In .com we tell you how dogs see.

Steps to follow:


Dogs have a greater ability to see in the dark, compared to the human being. This night vision allows them to be very effective to hunt during the night so they locate their prey very easily and can flee from their enemies quickly. The dog is able to see five times more detail in the dark than people, although not like cats, who have a much more developed night vision to be very efficient solo hunters.


Dogs see far fewer colors than people. Its chromatic range is smaller because this vision is not essential for its survival. The human being has three types of receptors to capture the color and each one is specialized in the perception of the primary colors (red, yellow and blue). It is the combination of these colors, which creates a complete chromatic scale.

However, dogs have a dichromatic vision, that is, they have a vision with two colors . The dog's eye has two visual receptors and, although it can not reproduce the entire chromatic range, it does distinguish blue from red or blue from green. However, they have problems to differentiate between green and red.


If there is one thing that defines the vision of dogs, it is their three-dimensional vision . They can calculate distances better and it is very efficient and quick to hunt. This deep vision is achieved by the frontal position of the eyes, which allows an overlap of the visual fields. The dog's brain gets a view of the objects from two different perspectives, thus calculating distances more accurately.

Despite having that three-dimensional vision, dogs have difficulty seeing nearby objects because they smell or touch everything they have nearby, because they really see it as blurry. With smell and touch try to get a clear and clear picture of the environment.


Another important aspect of the dogs' vision is that they have a great sensitivity to movement, in fact, there is research that has shown that dogs can detect any object or being in movement up to 800 meters. Another difference in the way you see human vision, is that the peripheral view is much better, because they can see at a glance many more details.


It is important that you maintain an exhaustive care of the eyes of your dog because they can develop diseases such as conjunctivitis or even cataracts. In this article we tell you how to clean the eyes of a dog so that you take into account all the essential aspects of its hygiene.