How to remove the background from a photograph easily

Until a while ago, removing the background of a photograph on the computer was a mission of high level: if you did not have graphic design studies and you were a professional Photoshop, you could quickly forget to finish the action with a favorable result ...

However, now with Clipping Magic you can do it satisfactorily in less than five minutes (more if you're a perfectionist) ... Keep reading!

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access
  • An image to edit
Steps to follow:


Click here to go to Clipping Magic.


Drag the image you want to modify to the web or select it from ' Choose File '.


Mark green the area of ​​the background that you do not want to eliminate and, red, the one that does. You will see that it is very intuitive and you do not have to look too much, in .com we chose a complicated photo to make the example.


Once you have finished the edition, click on 'Download' and that's it!