How to disable McAfee

Although antivirus plays an important role in protecting our computer and all the data it contains, it can sometimes prevent us from carrying out certain actions. Thus, it is possible that a file that we receive by email of which we have the complete certainty that it is safe can not be opened because the antivirus detects it as malicious. In order to overcome situations like this, it is necessary to know how to manage this protection. In .com we explain, in particular, how to deactivate Mcafee.

Steps to follow:


This tutorial will be done with a trial version of Mcafee installed on a Mac computer with the Yosemite operating system. The first thing we must do is press the antivirus icon we have in the top toolbar.


Then, from the drop-down menu that will appear, we choose the Preferences option, which will give us access to different actions related to the protection program.


Of all the options we have available, we will choose General, to which we have access in the upper left area of ​​the window.


Now, to be able to change the configurations and, thus, to deactivate Mcafee, we will have to press on the padlock of the zone inferior and to provide the password of administrator of the equipment.


In the next step, we have to go to the Analysis section in real time. The option that appears with the blue background is the one that is selected, we see that by default the antivirus appears as Activated.


What interests us, in this case, is to click on Deactivated so that it remains as in the image that appears next to this text. In this way, we will have Mcafee disabled temporarily, without having to uninstall the antivirus completely.

Do not forget that, in addition to having an antivirus on your computer, for protection to be effective, you should always have it updated.