What are the BAC rates according to drinks

The most advisable when we are going to drive, even if it is an urban transfer of a few minutes, is not to taste even a drop of alcohol . As a drug that is, this type of drink diminishes our capabilities and, in addition, the euphoria it causes will make us feel more secure at the wheel, when the reality is that we are below our means. In any case, you should never exceed the legal levels allowed to avoid risking being sanctioned. In .com we explain what are the BAC rates according to the drinks.

Steps to follow:


Before going on to explain this point, it should be noted that the BAC of a person who has drunk not only depends on the amount and type of alcohol, but also on their sex, physical constitution and metabolism, among other factors . So the data we will provide below should be taken as a guide, not as a mathematical formula to know how much you can drink without exceeding the legal limits to drive.


The BAC of a 330 ml bottle . Beer, one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages, is the following:

  • Male: 0.21-0.28.
  • Woman: 0.34-0.48.


For its part, the BAC of a 100 ml cup. of wine, which many drivers do not forgive with food, is as follows:

  • Male: 0.16-0.20.
  • Woman: 0.25-0.35.


If you usually drink vermouth, you are also interested in knowing the BAC of this drink. For a 70 ml cup, the level is:

  • Male: 0.15-0.20.
  • Woman: 0.25-0.34.


After a copious meal, there is a habit of drinking a liquor. Despite popular belief, the effect of alcohol after eating a lot is not reduced. Well, this is the BAC level for 45 ml. of liquor:

  • Male: 0.13-0.17.
  • Woman: 0.21-0.30


Already thinking about the weekend, it is interesting to know the BAC of alcoholic beverages with soft drinks. If you drink a 50 ml glass. The levels are the following:

  • Male: 0.25-0.32.
  • Woman: 0.29-0.55.


After knowing what the BAC rates are according to the drinks, you are interested in taking a look at this video in which we explain the permitted levels of BAC. However, as we say, the safest thing is that you do not drink anything if you have to drive.