How to know if my canary is sick

In we guide you on how to know if your canary is sick . When we notice any of these symptoms, we must act as soon as possible, because if we do not treat him between the next 24 and 48 hours, the canary could die. For the treatment we have to take it to a bird specialist . For your sake, never try to treat it without the diagnosis of an expert. Below we reveal the symptoms that manifest a disease or incubation in these birds.

Feather cupping or canary embolamiento

One of the most obvious symptoms of disease in this type of bird is the embolamiento or hollowing of feathers . That is to say, the way in which they fight a descent of corporal temperature is becoming a ball, with what they create a camera of inner hot air that maintains tempered to them.

A lack of liveliness

Remember that the lack of liveliness is not characteristic of them. The normal thing in a healthy canary is to sing and move constantly. If you move without coordination you should also take him to the vet. Also stop singing is the first sign that a male is sick.

Imbalance in diet or diarrhea

In case of increased appetite and thirst, if you lose weight quickly, have diarrhea or see blood in your stool, you should find out what happens to your bird. Also if you notice a swollen or reddened belly or if a dark vein crosses it, it could have enteritis or fungi. To find out, it would be best to have a stool test done, but check with your veterinarian.

Careless plumage and itching

On the other hand, if your feathers are down and tangled, or suffer some loss of feathers when it is not the summer, and especially if it is nervous or scratching continuously, do not rule out the possibility that mites and lice are bothering your pet.

Mood is also important

Take care of your canary if you see that he is sad or disheartened, because he may have some little shoe that you do not know and that has to be treated. On the other hand, if your pet whistles when breathing, sneezes, coughs or breathes with its beak open and gasps, you may have a respiratory illness that needs to be treated.

Control your sleep hours

Finally, remember that an adult canary who is healthy does not sleep during daylight hours . Another symptom that deserves a trip to the bird specialist is having your eyes closed and swollen.

If your canary has one or more of these symptoms, do not hesitate to see a specialist as soon as possible.