What are the dogs that release less hair?

Having a pet at home is simply wonderful, but we must be very clear that an animal requires care, medical attention and affection, but also its presence at home will influence the cleanliness of our home especially in the matter of hairs. There are dog breeds that release a lot of hair, something that for some is problematic when causing allergies and hinder the maintenance of hygiene at home. However, there are alternatives for those who do not want to face the problem of having hairs all over the house, that is why in .com we explain which dogs have the least hair so that you can choose a faithful companion without having your coat become a problem.

All dogs loose hair

Yes, it may be a disappointing statement for some, but the truth is that all dogs loose hair because they have fur, an exception that only applies to bald breeds. The change of climate, food and health of the animal greatly influence this aspect, however there are pets that release large amounts of hair, as in the case of the Golden Retriever, and others that do so in a much lower amount.

If you are allergic to these animals then you must ensure that the dog, in addition to releasing less hair, is also hypoallergenic, otherwise it will also generate discomfort. Finally do not forget that all dogs require brushing to reduce dirt and odors and maintain the health of their fur, so even if the animal releases little hair you should also provide care in this area.

Poodle or Poodle

One of the favorite dogs for small spaces, the poodle or poodle, is also one of the least hair loose. This cheerful and active mascot that appears in the top 10 of the smartest dogs is ideal for those who do not want hair at home but want the company of a faithful animal.


Another of the most common dogs in flats or apartments is the Yorkshire, a friendly and affectionate animal that tops the list of the dogs that release less hair even though it has an abundant coat. Of course, even if you loose a little it is important to brush it frequently otherwise you run the risk of getting tangled up complicating the situation a lot.


The schnauzer is an active and playful dog that, however, has a fairly dominant character that we must learn to control from the first weeks to turn it into a more emotional animal. They are very intelligent pets that also have the advantage of releasing little hair, perfect for those who do not want to have the house full of hairs everywhere.

Komondor dog

There is no doubt that the Komondor dog has a very particular appearance in which his hair is precisely what stands out the most. The fur of this animal is so curly and dense that few hairs are loose, becoming a great advantage for their masters. It is a cattle dog so it requires daily exercise and good walks, something that will compensate with games and loyalty.


The boxer is one of the breeds most appreciated by lovers of large dogs, and is also one of the least loose hair being an ideal alternative for those who want a loving pet without having to spend all day picking hairs. Of course, this animal needs to go out, walk and be distracted, so it requires attention from its owners.


Imposing and grumpy in appearance, the Dobermans are certainly excellent guards, but they are also obedient and loving pets that stand out among the most intelligent breeds. As if that were not enough, they are dogs that release little hair but preferably should live in large spaces or perform a good amount of daily exercise, it will also be important to deal with encouraging their socialization from puppy to reduce their distrustful and shy character.


Better known as a dachshund for its physical appearance, the dachshunds is a friendly, affectionate and excellent-smelling animal that also has a very short coat that does not usually represent a problem for its owners. It is a guardian mascot that, despite your small size, knows how to defend very well.

Shih Tzu

This animal has an abundant and usually long coat, however it does not usually loose too much hair at home, which becomes a great advantage for its owners, accustomed to having it in an apartment. However, you should know that the shih tzu requires a good brushing very frequent, because just to have long hair is important to take care of it properly.

Bichón frisé

With very curly and dense hair, the frisé bichon has a cheerful and awake character that makes it the perfect dog for the whole family, with resistance for children's play and a willingness to faithfully accompany adults. It is one of the dogs with less loose hair and an excellent alternative for those looking for a pet of small size.

Other dog breeds that do not loose hair

In addition to the pets mentioned above, there are several options to have at home a pet that does not release too much hair, some of them are:

  • Maltese Bichon
  • Basenji
  • Greyhound
  • Chihuahua
  • Portuguese water dog