How to create photomontages

Internet is full of photos and, especially since the arrival of Instagram, also full of photomontages. Collages of photos that give a more special touch to the images and that call more attention if you upload them to Facebook, Twitter or the social network for which you have a predilection. You would love to be able to do one of these photomontages, but you think you need to know a lot about photography or computer science to achieve it. We have good news: it is not necessary! In .com we tell you how to create photomontages.

Steps to follow:


One of the easiest ways to create a photo collage is to use some specific tool. One of the best is the Fotor web, where you can make a photomontage online and free. Go to and click on "Collage".


In the panel on the left, select the template you want for your photomontage . You can choose how many photos you want, the width of the borders, if you want the corners of the images to be rounded, etc.


When you have the chosen template, go to the panel on the right, to " Add photos ", and select where you want to take them from (the computer, Facebook, Picasa, the web, etc.). Select the photos, which will be added to the panel.


Click again on the template icon on the left. The photomontage will be created automatically. You can edit it by moving the images, rotating them, adding effects or changing the brightness.


When you are happy with the photomontage created, click on "Save". On the left you can choose the name and format of the final image. Click on "Save" when everything is as you want.


The download will start. Accept and ... ready!