How to change the language from Facebook to Catalan

Normally, Facebook appears by default in Spanish (if we are in Spain or in a country in Latin America) or in the language of the country where we are. When you opened your Facebook account, that language was left by default, but we found many other languages ​​in which we can use the social network developed by Mark Zuckerberg: English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, German and a large number of other languages., among them Catalan. If you do not know how to configure your Facebook so that it appears in Catalan, we will explain how to change the language of Facebook to Catalan .

Steps to follow:


As is logical, the first step is to start a session on Facebook . It does not matter if you are on your wall, on the news page or looking at the wall of any other person, to change the language you should look at the top bar blue. To the right of the whole you will see a small blue triangle indicating downwards. Click on that triangle and select " Settings ".


Now you will see the general information of your account (name, Facebook address, your email, etc.), but if you look at the left of the screen you will see that a series of options appear: general, security, privacy, languages, notices, followers, announcements, videos, etc. You only have to click on "Language" and you will be one step away from configuring Facebook in Catalan.


We are already in the language configuration section. The first question we found says "In what language do you want to use Facebook?". Beside it will appear "Spanish" or "Spanish (Spain)", but if you click on it, the text "Show Facebook in this language" appears. You just have to click on the language and we will open a list with all the languages ​​in which Facebook is available. You only have to mark "Català" and click on "Save changes" .


Your Facebook is already in Catalan, although to make sure you can click on "Inici", in the upper blue bar and you will see that the Facebook language has changed to Catalan. If you noticed, in the section "language" we had three more options, so let's know what they are for.


The first one asks us what language do we want to translate the "stories", such as Facebook states, that are in languages ​​we do not understand. The option of Catalan does not appear, but in fact it gives us a little bit because if you have Facebook in Catalan it is automatically translated into that language through Bing .


In the second question we can indicate which languages ​​we understand . Simply enter the first letter to show us the list of languages, which are added to the list of languages ​​as if they were the labels of a blog. If you have wrong language, just click on the X to delete it.

The last option is to indicate which languages ​​we want to translate automatically and follow the same mechanism as the previous one.


In we have different articles that talk about different functionalities that you can find in this social network such as, for example, the following:

  • Use the hashtag on Facebook
  • Create an event on Facebook
  • Create a page on Facebook