How to know if a rabbit is dwarf - here the answer

Having a rabbit as a pet is the dream of many children. An option that is easier to reach thanks to the dwarf rabbits that, as the name suggests, have smaller dimensions than the rest, so it is easier to have them in the home and in a cage adapted to their needs.

However, how do you know if a rabbit is a dwarf? The choice is not as complicated as it seems, because they have special characteristics that make it not so difficult to identify them. In, we explain them to you so that you can take them into account when choosing your dwarf rabbit as a pet.

The weight of the dwarf rabbit or toy

One of the best ways to know if a rabbit is a dwarf is to weigh it. The weight may vary depending on the type of dwarf rabbit that is going to have as a pet, although you can follow the pattern that, in general, usually weigh between 800 grams and 1, 700 grams, ie between 0.8 kg and 1, 7 kg. This last weight is already less common because, practically, it could be considered as a non-dwarf rabbit.

Within this fork, there are different weights as we have commented. The smallest is the dwarf Dutch rabbit, of different colors, with short ears and hair and that usually weigh between 900 grams and 1, 300 grams. Larger is the dwarf belier rabbit, which can weigh up to 1, 700 grams. Also, you can find dwarf rabbits angora and lion head, also found in a weight between 1, 300 grams and 1, 700 grams.

The size of the dwarf rabbit

Although the weight is actually more indicative to know if a rabbit is dwarf, the truth is that paying attention to its size is also helpful because they are rabbit breeds that are smaller than the rest, even when they are young.

In addition, the dwarf rabbit is not long, it is rather short, since it is usually 30 cm long, and has a compact structure. In some cases, it can reach a length of 50 centimeters, although it is less common and is usually more typical of the larger dwarf rabbits.

The key of the hair of the dwarf rabbit

If we do not have a scale to weigh it or measure it, how do we know if a rabbit is a dwarf? Another way is to look at your hair. The original race of the Dutch dwarf rabbit or toy rabbit is short hair so, in principle, would be discarded all those who have long hair.

However, there are other races of rabbits of more average sizes from which dwarf or toy lines have been developed. This is the case of the Angora dwarf rabbits, lion head and belier . The angora has long hair, this breed is well differentiated because the fur is very similar to that of angora cats, the lion's head has semi-long hair being more abundant on the head and neck, reminding the mane of this great feline, and finally, the belier does have short hair, like the Dutch dwarf, but has long ears and falls.

The color of their hair, regardless of the type of dwarf rabbit that is, is not helpful because there are many colors in all their classes, in addition to different coats that have been generated by the cross breed. In any case, always your hair is very soft to the touch.

Other physical characteristics of the dwarf rabbit

Paying attention to its physiognomy is useful. But how do I know if my rabbit is dwarf because of its features? It is easy. You just have to look closely at some parts of your body. First, you should look at your head, which is a broad head in proportion to the rest of the body. In addition, in belwar dwarf rabbits the head is more rounded. In all cases, they have little neck. It is also common for their eyes to be quite large compared to their size.

The ears are another characteristic feature, although there are variations depending on the type of dwarf rabbit. In general, they have short ears with the exception of the belier type in which they are longer ears, but fall on the head and have a straight shape. As a guide, a length of the ears between five and eight centimeters can be established. Neither are very wide ears.

And the legs of the dwarf rabbit are another point of differentiation from the rest. The key is that they are short legs, in fact they are quite shorter than those of other breeds of non-dwarf rabbits, although they are still equally thin.

These are traits with which, in general, it can be said that the dwarf rabbit is like a small ball with more or less hair, depending on whether it is angora or not.

Behavior of the dwarf or toy rabbit

And, finally, there is still another little trick to know if the pet in front of us is a dwarf rabbit. The key is to observe it because it is very playful and, practically, it can not sit still. In addition, it is also usually very curious, so you have to be careful with the corners of the house and avoid getting to nibble unwanted things, such as cables.

There are some tips on how to know if a rabbit is dwarf, which will allow you to detect it, although always in doubt it is good to go to a veterinarian to make the query. Since, we hope we have helped you and we recommend that if you have decided to include one in your family, check this other article on How to choose and prepare the rabbit cage.