How to search and download torrents

Since Megaupload closed, all interfaces that were dedicated to P2P downloads have been impacted with a considerable increase in the number of users; But, what is it about? Torrents are all those files that are shared in programs like BitTorrent and similar, these can be movies, series and even music. The service offered to us is completely free, fast and easy to use. To be able to search and download files in this format, we only need to install an interface that allows us to download torrents ; in .com we recommend installing BitTorrent or uTorrent. Have you already downloaded and installed it? Perfect! Read now how to search and download torrents .

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • A program to download torrents files.
Steps to follow:


Go to any web page that gives you the possibility to download torrents ; There are many on the Internet. In this case, in .com we will use //


Use the search engine of the website to find all those torrents you wish to download. If in .com we wanted to find the complete discography of Depeche Mode, we would only have to write the name of the band and click on 'Search'.


The torrent search website will offer you many results. Calm yourself and inspect each of them, trying to find the one that fits your needs. When you finally find it, click on it.


In this new page they will show you all the servers that currently offer the torrent you are looking for . Select the server that offers you the most confidence; in .com we advise to click on


Click, in the new pop-up window, on the small magnet with the text 'Get this torrent' and, if any message appears, select 'Accept'. Remember that the green icon with the text 'Download' will never take you to the download, it's simple advertising.


Automatically, BitTorrent, or the program you are using to download torrents, will begin the process. Remember that, depending on your Internet connection, the development of the download may take more or less time.

  • Remember that many of the search results for torrents may contain different material than the one they advertise.