How to delete a contact on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network to connect with professionals in your sector and improve your employability. On LinkedIn you can add contacts, enter your personal information, studies and professional experience, as well as publish articles and participate in discussion groups and forums of your interest. One of the most popular actions on LinkedIn is to add as a contact to friends or colleagues but, how to delete a contact on LinkedIn? Next, we explain how to do it.

You will need to:
  • Become a LinkedIn user
  • Have at least one contact on LinkedIn.
Steps to follow:


The first step is to enter your LinkedIn account with your username and password. Once inside, place the cursor on the Network tab, which you will find at the top, and press the "Contacts" option.


Once inside contacts, you can see on the right side of the screen, right at the bottom of the "Add contacts" option, a tab called "Delete Contacts" . You will have to press it to visualize the complete list of your contacts in LinkedIn.


Select all the contacts you want to delete from LinkedIn and press the delete contacts button. LinkedIn will not inform contacts when they are removed from your profile, so you can do so without a problem. Ready! With these simple steps, you will be able to eliminate anyone from your LinkedIn network.


Sometimes removing contact is not enough, because if what you want is that a specific person can not see your profile, value you or send you messages, then you have to block it directly. This is a simple action that you can do quickly, if you want to discover the whole process, see the article How to block someone on LinkedIn.

  • Use the ABC index, located on the left of the screen, to facilitate the search among all your contacts.