How to move house with a cat

If you have a cat as a pet you should already know: these animals are not exactly adaptable beings, they are attached to their environment and are not very open to changing environments frequently. However, this does not prevent us from moving, but in doing so, it is convenient to take into account some recommendations that can facilitate the transfer and adaptation to the new home as much as possible, reducing the animal's stress and guaranteeing its well-being. To get it in this article of .com we explain how to move from home with a cat .

Steps to follow:


Cats often feel very nervous and stressed before a move. The felines do not like to change their surroundings, they are bothered by loud noises, the presence of strangers, trips and everything that takes them out of their routine. That is why it is very important that we, as owners, try to do everything to reduce to the maximum the stressors that may affect the welfare of your animal.

A good way to start is by packing all of our objects for the move at least a week before the move occurs. When the animal detects the presence of boxes, suitcases, among others, it may gradually get used to being there and understanding that something is about to change. However, it is convenient that your space is not modified until the last moment.


The day of the move is very important that your cat is not circling at home, not only because it could hurt but because the movement of furniture and the entry and exit of people could make it even more nervous and make it escape. The most convenient thing is to lock the animal in a room where you can count on your food and water, your sandbox, your bed, the transport and your favorite toys.

It is important to keep the door of this room closed and preferably leave a note so that nobody opens it. If the cat is inside with someone of confidence much better because this will make the animal feel much safer. Make sure that the cat does not eat for at least 3 hours before the move, in this way you will avoid the stomach upset in the animal.


When all the move has been made and only the contents of the room where the cat is left, it is time to put the animal in the carrier and take it out of the room. It is very important that your cat travels in the carrier because this is the safest way to take the animal during the move.

When moving from home with a cat the cat should always go with you, you should never put it in the moving truck, in the trunk of the car or move it with a stranger, this will only increase the feeling of anxiety in the cat making you feel more uncomfortable .


Once you have reached the new house, do not let go of the animal! You must lock the cat in a room and leave it there while the rest of the move is done. This aspect is very important since the whole process can be very stressful for your cat and if he is in freedom he might want to escape from home.

Do not let the cat get near the windows or the balcony, if there is one, the cat must stay in the room with his belongings until the move is over. It is also important that the kitchen furniture are installed in place before allowing the release of your pet, so avoid nerves hiding in some narrow space in this area.


Once all the furniture is inside the house and the environment is more or less under control, then you can let the cat out by making sure that all the doors and windows are properly closed to prevent the animal from escaping. It is recommended to apply in all those areas to which the cat can get a product containing feline pheromones, you can buy it at a store specializing in animals. It is also possible to buy a diffuser that is plugged in, if you have opted for this alternative then go changing the diffuser to different points of the house to make the animal feel more comfortable in this space.

Let the cat explore the rooms of the place and become familiar with the surroundings, if possible make sure that the distribution of personal items such as the sandbox or the eating area are similar to those of your other home.


It is very important that you maintain the routines that you had with your feline in the new home, this will make the adaptation process of the cat moving home faster. Give him his food always at the same time, love him a lot and play with him so that he feels comfortable in this new space.

During the first two weeks after the move it is very possible that your cat is nervous and restless, but quiet is normal because this is the standard adaptation time of the cats to a new environment.


It is recommended that the cat be identified with a microchip in case it decides to escape, it will also be useful to have an identification plate that contains your data.