How the tide moves

When you go fishing you have to take many things into account. One of them is to know how the sea will be, its level, strength ... since it will have a great influence on whether you fish or do not fish. Then we show you some tricks to know how the tide is and what is the best time to go to the sea. Look at the following article on, how the tide moves.

Steps to follow:


Before fishing in the sea, estuary or at the mouth of a river, find out about the hours of the high tides and low. Get a tide schedule at any club or fishing tackle store.


In almost all places there are two high tides and two low each 24 hours. The hours vary slightly each day. Make sure you do not get caught by a rising tide.


The two hours before and after the tides are the best to fish. This is the time when the fish come to the coast to eat. The low tide is the time to provisionarte of baits.