How to play Farm Heroes Saga

After the success of the well-known game Candy Crush, its creators have decided to continue with the production of this type of games, in which to win as many points as possible and overcome the proposed challenges are the key to pass the levels. Highlights the Farm Heroes Saga, which is to help the Farm Heroes to prevent the Machiavellian Raccoon from ending the harvest. If you want to try this fun game and want to know how to play Farm Heroes Saga, in this article we tell you.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is that it is a completely free game . So, you can download it on both Android and iPhone, on your computer or play through Facebook and share your achievements. The extra lives and movements are what is paid, as with Candy Crash. It is necessary that you have an operating system 2.2 or higher in the case of Android.


Collect the vegetables to win!

The game methodology is very similar to that of Candy Crush but, this time, with fruits and vegetables. To get as many points as possible, you must collect three or more fruits of the same type . How? Moving one of the foods to the right, left, top or bottom with your finger or the computer mousse. The diagonal movements are still not allowed.

At each level you will be asked to overcome a different challenge. The challenges can be to gather a certain amount of specific fruits or vegetables, such as seven apples, get the maximum number of two or more veggies (twelve carrots and ten strawberries), etc. If you exceed the number of foods ordered, you will get more points and prizes.


As with Candy Crush, movements are limited and you must complete the levels using the number of moves they give you. Each level has a different number and you must move the vegetables strategically to overcome it. Look at the panel to get together the maximum possible vegetables in the least number of movements. For example, in the image we see how with a single movement we get together the apples and carrots. Anticipating the movements is key to successfully overcome the levels, so, think about the vegetables that you will move after making a movement.


The novelty that this game presents with respect to Candy Crush is the objectives and challenges that it proposes. In the previous one, we were asked for objectives such as getting a number of bonuses, ingredients, destroy gelatin or chocolate, while in Farm Heroes the challenges consist of collecting a certain number of strawberries, apples, water, etc. Another novelty that Candy Crush does not have is the Hero Mode.


Hero Mode

Hero Mode is activated when you have reached the level objectives before spending all movements. When it appears, you have the possibility to get more points together vegetables that have +1, +2, +3, etc., in the right corner.


Boosters and lives

Boosters are tools that help us overcome levels more easily. They are at the bottom of the screen and we can get them by acquiring many points in each level. Also, they are replenished over time and it is not necessary to buy them. The shovel does not allow to collect a single vegetable; the tractor picks the crop from a row entara; the peanuts allow us to open the eggs and get the chick more quickly; the turbine tractor offers us the possibility of collecting the harvest of three columns; and Amelia's aerial delivery booster incorporates the ten coshechas that you choose to the board.

As for lives, the system is the same as in Candy Crush, we have five and, once sold out, we must wait a certain time to recharge or ask our Facebook friends.


Gold and green beans

Gold is the equivalent of money to buy beans or boosters. As we go over the levels, our amount of gold will increase.

The green beans serve to defeat the Machiavellian Raccoon, which appears from level 10, or cnajearlas by shovel boosters, for example. At most levels, when we exceed them, we get a certain amount of beans. Depending on the stars obtained in that level, the quantity will vary: with a star we will be given 75 beans, with two 150 beans and three 250, this being the maximum number of beans we can obtain. We can play the same level again as many times as we want to increase our number of magic green beans.


The bonuses

As with Candy Crush, if you put more than three vegetables together you will get bonuses. If you combine vegetables close to those that have a +1, +2, etc., this number will increase. If you put together four vegetables of the same type your value will double; if you combine five, all the harvests of the board will be collected equal to those; if the joints in the form of L or T all the vegetables in that row will get a bonus of +1.


Download Farm Heroes Saga and collect the crops that you ask to prevent them from destroying the Machiavellian Raccoon.