How to make soap bubbles at home

Have you seen how the children approach that partner who starts blowing soap bubbles? The truth is that it is difficult to avoid, because there is no person who does not fall into the temptation to blow or explode when there is an opportunity. The problem comes when the magic liquid runs out and with it, the fun.

If you want to know how to make soap bubbles at home, keep reading this article. We tell you what you should do, step by step, to learn the simplest and most sophisticated techniques to make soap bubbles that do not break at home.

Make soap bubbles that do not break

Making soap bubbles is an activity enjoyed by young and old; not only has it become the favorite fun of children in summer, but at many weddings it has even become fashionable to blow soap bubbles instead of throwing rice at the bride and groom.

Although there is no established date, it is believed that this simple but hilarious activity dates back to the 17th century. However, it was not until 1940 that a company located in Chicago, United States, had the great idea to market the liquid to create these bubbles.

The truth is that this blowing soap bubbles has a whole scientific technique that has been studied several times, since the performance of the bubbles will depend on the ingredients used to create the liquid bubbles. Some of the most common doubts when making soap bubbles at home include asking yourself how to make soap bubbles that do not break easily and how to make soap bubbles without using toxic products . Then, in, we discover some methods to create soap bubbles at home easily and effectively.

How to make resistant soap bubbles at home

The common ingredients for making bubble liquid are water and soap. The amount used of each one will influence the resistance and durability of the soap bubbles, which is why a third ingredient is sometimes added to the combination: glycerin. This compound makes the soap bubbles harder and more resistant. Whether you want to know how to make soap bubbles that do not break or lighter bubbles, here are some effective recipes.

How to make soap bubbles with glycerin

To get more resistant bubbles, you must add glycerin to the soapy solution. You will need 1 cup of warm water, 1 tablespoon of baking glycerin (or glycerin to make soap), 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/3 cup of liquid soap. Mix all the ingredients and let them rest for about 15 minutes to stabilize. Keep in mind that the sugar must be completely dissolved in the water before adding the soap.

If you do not know this product and want to learn more about it before using it, do not miss this article on What are the uses of glycerin.

How to make soap bubbles without glycerin

Removing the glycerin from the mixture can make the soap bubbles less resistant. Even so, with this simple mix, you will achieve fine and light bubbles that will entertain the whole family. To make soap bubbles without glycerin at home, you will need 1 cup of water per ½ cup of detergent or liquid dish soap. Since we recommend that you avoid creamy soaps and bets for transparent soaps, as they tend to be more effective.

Recipe for soap bubbles that do not break and bounce

Although it sounds amazing, this recipe will allow you to make soap bubbles that do not break and that bounce on soft surfaces such as clothes or grass. For your preparation you will need: gelatin, glycerin, water and soap. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of gelatin in ¾ cup of warm water. Next, add soap and glycerin to achieve durable, long-lasting soap bubbles . This preparation works best if the mixture stays warm and you let it sit for 15 minutes, so once this time has passed, it will be ready to use!

How to make giant and simple soap bubbles

Next, we tell you about the utensils that you will need to make simple and giant soap bubbles.

The most common instrument for making soap bubbles are the rings that come inside the tubes of liquid soap. However, they can also be manufactured in other, more home-made forms with the same efficiency.

How to make simple homemade soap bubbles

To make your own hoop, take a hook of wire clothes and, with the help of pliers, unroll the hook. Next, stretch the wire slightly, cut it so that it is straight and curl it to make a completely closed circle.

If the intention is to include the children and you want to avoid them getting hurt, take a clean pipe and make a circle with one of the ends. Be sure to attach the circle's closure to the base so that it does not open when you use it. Another simple way in which small can also participate is joining 4 straws; you just have to cut them in half and join them with a thread or cord. They are cut in half and they are all joined with a thread or cord before introducing one end in the liquid soap and blowing on the other.

How to make giant soap bubbles

If you want to create giant soap bubbles, take two straws and cross them with a thread of yarn. Tie each end of the yarn and make sure your blower has the shape of a square. Place the soap you have prepared in a punch bowl or any other large container, insert your instrument for soap bubbles and lift it up quickly. If you move the instrument quickly from one side to the other, you will achieve large and elongated bubbles with which you will enjoy to the fullest. In this article of How to make giant soap bubbles we explain, in detail, the steps you must follow to achieve magnificent bubbles.

Now that you know how to make soap bubbles at home, you just have to include the little ones and have a great time with them. To enjoy!