How to improve your whistle

There is nothing like whistling to lift the mood on a gray day or bring joy to a sad soul. Knowing how to whistle is like having a musical instrument that you can take with you wherever you go. Whistling is a gift you give to yourself, and learning to whistle better is a gift you give to others. Once you master the initial concept of whistling, learning to whistle better is easier than you think

You will need to:
  • Water
  • Lip balm
Steps to follow:


Check the basic technique . Put your lips together and blow as if you were blowing a birthday candle. Place the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth and tap lightly. Practice until you hear a sound like a whistle.


Keep the lips moist . The best whistles are made by soft lips. Children will learn to whistle easier than adults because their lips are naturally smooth and moist. Adults need to stay well hydrated to avoid cracking or peeling lips that interfere with a clear whistle. Use lip balm to moisten the lips, if necessary.


Practice alone to improve the technique. To master the art of whistling, you will have to practice a lot. You may have to practice for weeks or months before becoming a whistling teacher, so be kind to others by practicing in solitude until you are satisfied with the results.


Practice in front of people. Whistling better requires confidence. Encourage confidence by whistling in front of others once you are satisfied with your technique.