How to make the hangman's knot

The hangman's knot, is the typical knot that everyone wants to know how to do, it is the typical knot that everyone has ever seen on television, where the hangman's knot is known for the macabre use that has been given . However, the reality is that the hangman's knot can be very useful to save lives, because you can throw a person who is choking and is placed under his arms, as if the knot embraced.

You will need to:
  • Cape
Steps to follow:


With the end you must make a form of S.


Next, you must pass one of the ends through a loop. Think that you should leave quite enough to be able to make the loop.


You have to do several laps around, as many as you want.


Finally, you must pass the chicote through the middle of the other gauze.


To tighten the knot, you must pull the first gauze.