How to see the heritage of Spanish deputies

If you are curious to know what are the possessions of the Spanish deputies, the public Administration has made available to the public, through its website, the official statements. His patrimony, categorized, is thus susceptible to comparison between communities or parties, for example. You will see that it is very easy to access this information, which offers more political transparency.

Steps to follow:


Go to the website of the Congress of Deputies.


At the top of the page, click where it says "Deputies".


One way to find the deputy you are looking for is through the alphabetical list, by last name. Click on the letter that interests you and you will get to the specific list. You can also search by circumscriptions, political parties or even by "Deputies".


Once you have found the person, click on their name . You will access your personal file, although above you will find other options (initiatives, interventions, etc.).


You will see that it says "Declaration of Assets and Rents". Click on Another window will open with the pdf document you were looking for.

  • It is a good practice to contrast the information that appears on the media for you