How to be a leader at work

Has your boss commissioned you to lead a project and do not know how to approach it? Although being a leader in the job seems easy, it is not. It is not enough to take command and give orders, you have to know how to deal with each partner, resolve conflicts that may arise with other members of the staff or between them, plan well the work ... If you want to know how to get it, pay attention to the advice of the following article in which we show you how to be a leader in the work.

Steps to follow:


You have to plan the strategy to follow. Before assembling a group, the leader must know what path he will follow to choose the most suitable workers for each position. In this sense, it is very important that you know what you are talking about, that you document in depth about the project to resolve any doubts that the rest of the workers may have. If the leader is unable to answer the questions of his workers and shows a lack of knowledge about the matter, distrust will grow.


If you can create the team, try to have the best chemistry possible. The work environment and complicity will always be better between two workers who get along, who have known each other for a long time and who know how to work side by side if you choose workers who do not speak. The union of the group is a key element when it comes to exercising good leadership.

In the case of not being able to choose the members, you have to be able to integrate everyone, even if you do not look like the ideal worker for that assignment. If someone is somewhat delayed, try to help him. You should always guide your workers to help them find the solution to each problem, help by staying out of the way.


Knowing how to listen to others will also help you to exercise leadership successfully. It is clear that you are the leader of the group and responsible for the decisions that are made, but you have to ask for the opinions of the rest of your colleagues and integrate them into our project whenever possible. Any idea can be good and there will be times when a different point of view will help you find solutions. And if things do not go well, assume the responsibilities without blaming the rest.


A good leader should always be positive and keep the morale of his team high. Otherwise, it will fall into a negative spiral and the results will suffer. Even if the workers are faced with a complicated task and are not sure to face it well, you must show them your full support to show them that it is possible, that they have confidence.


Self-control allows a leader to lead his team in the right way. You should not act in an authoritarian way, at all times you should show empathy towards your subordinates, although making it clear that the one who commands and gives the orders is you. You must also be able to control nerves. If the workers see a leader capable of controlling their emotions they will imitate him and the work will be better; But if the leader loses his nerves, he will often have a bad impact on the group.