How to keep my motorcycle's battery

Knowing how to maintain the battery of the motorcycle implies taking into account that these vehicles are, on occasion, the secondary means of transport. Thus, it is very common for those who travel normally by car to have the motorcycle as an occasional vehicle for weekends or when the weather is fine. This must be taken into account when taking care of the battery. In .com we give you more answers to the question of how to keep the battery of my motorcycle .

Steps to follow:


As we say, unlike cars, bikes are in most cases not the main vehicle of a driver. In this way, they are used occasionally, something that can put at risk the state of the battery that can be discharged due to lack of use.

The total discharge reduces the useful life of your battery, since the internal plates can be damaged. Therefore, the first rule to know how to maintain the battery of your motorcycle is that you try to move your machine frequently, even if only to shoot 5 minutes every 3 days.


If you do not want to worry about moving your bike so that the battery is not discharged, what you have to do is disassemble this piece and charge it once a month, approximately. To perform this operation, consult the manual of your machine so that you do it properly. There are many battery models and each one has a different process.


In the instructions you will find another important information about how to keep the motorcycle's battery, since you should check if this part is of the calls "without maintenance" or, on the contrary, if it belongs to the group of "with maintenance". In the latter case, the manufacturer will indicate in the documentation how often you should change the liquid in your tubes, which is distilled water.


It is also important when it comes to knowing how to keep the battery of the motorcycle that you have to have clean terminals, removing any excess of sulfate that tends to accumulate on the outside. Use water and sodium bicarbonate to clean the terminals, after having disconnected them. Before replacing them, dry them thoroughly with a cloth.


If you follow these tips on how to keep your motorcycle's battery, you can lengthen the life of this piece, which usually lasts about 2 years.


If your motorcycle's battery is completely discharged and you need to use your machine urgently, you should read this article in which we explain how to start a motorcycle without a battery. Anyway, you should know that it is not a highly recommended option since you can cause mechanical damage. Read this other article if what you are interested in is knowing how to charge the battery of the motorcycle.