Why my motorcycle throws oil through the exhaust

Why your bike throws oil through the exhaust pipe can be due to very varied causes. The important thing is that you do not miss this symptom of what can become a major and expensive breakdown on your bike, if you do not cut it in time. When you have finished with the problem, a good maintenance will reduce the chances of something similar happening again. To help you solve the problem, in .com, we answer the question of why my motorcycle leaks oil through the exhaust.

Steps to follow:


The most common cause of the motorcycle pulling oil through the exhaust pipe is that there is a higher proportion of this liquid than is recommended in the gasoline mixture. This mismatch causes the excess oil to be removed by the exhaust. As a general rule, the percentage of it must be 2% but it is advisable to consult the manual of your motorcycle to verify it.


In case there is no problem with the proportion of the mixture, the reason why the motorcycle draws oil through the exhaust can be found in the carburetor buoy. This is a tilting element that floats on gasoline, so it is also called a float. When the mixture is at a certain level, this buoy closes a valve that blocks the supply of gasoline. If the buoy fails, the oil may escape from the motorcycle exhaust.


A broken crankshaft retainer can also cause the motorcycle to draw oil through the exhaust . A deterioration of this element causes the oil to pass to the crankshaft and, finally, be expelled by the exhaust.


Changing the oil filter could also end a problem in which the oil is thrown by the motorcycle exhaust. Every 10, 000 or 20, 000 should proceed to perform this maintenance task that you should not overlook. In general, every two oil changes of the motorcycle, you must replace the filter.


Another cause of the motorcycle pulling oil through the exhaust is that worn piston rings. In the event that the wear is very strong, these hoops may break. So in the case that you encounter this symptom, do not rule out this possibility.


Never underestimate any sign of a breakdown such as the fact that the motorcycle exhaust drains oil, even if it is a small amount, since investing time and money in solving it will avoid a bigger problem.