How to ask for a retirement pension in Spain

If you are going to retire soon or you are close to the age that corresponds in Spain, you will be interested in this article and it can be very useful. When you reach 65, you have the possibility of retiring and receiving a pension according to the years worked. In .com we tell you all the details about how to ask for a retirement pension .

What is the retirement pension?

It is a lifelong economic benefit that is granted to workers who, because of their age, have to stop working.

¿What formalities are there to perform?

To apply for the retirement benefit, you must submit a request form and the personal and specific information requested in the model.

Where do you have to present it?

In order to make retirement effective, the documentation must be presented at one of the Social Security Service Centers, that is, at any of the Social Security offices, preferably the office of the worker's city of residence.

When is it requested?

The retirement benefit can be requested in a period of 3 months before the date the worker finishes working. The time to do so is up to 3 months after the date of cessation of the worker's activity.

When does the payment start?

The benefit will start the day when the worker stops working or when retirement is requested to the Social Security, having a retroactive effect of up to 3 months.

When is the pension entitlement terminated?

The pension for retirement is for life and therefore lasts until the death of who receives it.

  • For more information, visit the Social Security website: