How to organize a press conference

In the world of journalism there is a saying often used by professionals in the sector: 'What does not appear in the media does not exist'. With the passage of time, companies and associations have realized the reason for this phrase and there is no day when a press conference is not held . However, what seems so easy to organize is not so easy. teaches you to take care of the details to organize a press conference so that the journalist returns satisfied to work.

Steps to follow:


The most important thing of all is to have a message relevant enough to transmit it. Journalists will never forgive you for wasting your valuable time.


The interlocutors must also be important for history and, above all, take care that they are fully informed of what they have to say. Prepare with them previously the press conference and give them all the possible details. The best thing for these cases is to find out what journalists can ask them. That way they will be more prepared to meet with the media.


A day or two before the event, an informative e-mail should be sent to the media. Be careful, you should inform only the media that may be interested. For example, if you are going to present a sporting event it will not make any sense to cite fashion magazines.


When it comes to scheduling the press conference, you must take into account what acts are prepared for that day and avoid, as far as possible, coinciding in time.


The head of the organization has to prepare a complete press dossier in order to facilitate the work for journalists. In addition to text, why not also deliver a CD with images of the subject to be treated? We must bear in mind that the media usually avoid publishing photographs of the press conference considering that they lack interest. Discover in, how to write a press release.


And regarding the time of the press conference, keep in mind the closing hours of the edition . For this reason, it is usually appropriate for the event to take place in the morning, between 10 and 12 noon. They will make the work much easier for the press.