How to prevent my dog ​​from eating things from the street

One of the most common problems for dog owners is that they start eating from the street . The truth is that it is a very dangerous behavior that can endanger your health since the street is full of all kinds of garbage and could even be at risk of poisoning. For the sake of your pet, we recommend that you be very cautious and pay attention to this behavior. In .com we tell you how to prevent your dog from eating things from the street.

Steps to follow:


It is very common that when you go for a walk your dog begins to sniff and in some cases, even to eat what is in its path. It is a behavior that you must solve as soon as possible because the street is full of risks.

To get your dog to stop behaving like that you will have to be patient and the whole family must be constant to do a good team work. With collaboration, positive reinforcement and firmness you will achieve that your dog does not eat things from the street .


One of the tricks so that your dog does not eat from the street is that at home you teach him to eat only from his bowl . If your pet only allows him to eat the food that is inside his trough, he will learn that this is the place he has to go to get his food ration.

Every time you eat you should congratulate him, give him pampering and make it very clear that he has done very well. The reward or positive reinforcement is key to getting your dog to eat always at home and in his bowl. Do it whenever you finish eating your dose of feed.

Related to positive reinforcement we want to emphasize that you never use punishment as an educational tool. If you eat from the street, say a firm and resounding "no" but do not reject or use any type of physical punishment. Throughout this process of education your patience is fundamental and with affection everything is achieved. In we give you some tips so that your dog obeys you.


To get your dog to stop eating from the street it is highly recommended that you divide your food rations at least two a day. Thus your pet will feel satiated all day, reduce your anxiety and prevent you from going hungry walking.

Maybe your dog at home obeys you without problem but when you go out for a walk, you pay less attention. In principle it is normal because there are many stimuli that distract him but he tries to be constant in order to get his attention.

One of the most effective ways away from home as a training method is to make use of the clicker system . It is a plastic box with a button, which when clicked makes a click after which you will give it some food. But you should only use it when your pet behaves well. Make a click sound each time your dog fulfills your orders. It is a reinforcer of the behavior that your dog will interpret as something correct and hence receive a prize.


To get your dog to stop eating garbage you must be patient, constant and firm. Remember not to let him ever eat outside his trough and it is very important that you have the age that your dog has put these tips into practice. Even if a dog is an adult he can learn certain behaviors, do not assume it is impossible because his health may be at stake. If you do not do it, you might have a good dislike.

Here we discover the easiest dogs to train.