How to make juggling balls with balloons

Juggling balls made with rice and balloons are very cheap and easy to make. They are perfect balls to start practicing the tricks of juggling. This craft can be done by any child, with minimal supervision of an adult and once the balls are made, you can have the children play with them and practice different tricks. This is very positive since you keep the children occupied and get them to improve their reflexes and senses. Next we explain how to make juggling balls step by step.

You will need to:
  • 9-12 balloons
  • 350-400 grams of rice
  • 1 bottle of water
  • Scissors
  • Embodiment
Steps to follow:


To start making balls with balloons, you have to put about 125 grams of rice in a bowl or cup.


Then, with the help of a funnel, you put all the rice inside an empty water bottle.


Once the rice is inside the bottle, you have to inflate a balloon and you have to screw your neck where you fan the balloon, in such a way that the air does not escape. Look at the image on the left.


Now you place the balloon spout on the inlet of the water bottle, which you have previously filled, and once the balloon is placed, let the balloon unscrew. Look at the image on the left.


Once the balloon is placed and making sure it is firmly fixed, you turn around the globe-bottle assembly and the rice will enter the balloon.


Remove the balloon, let all the air come out and tie it in a knot.


You cut another balloon like we did in the image.


You ride the balloon that you cut in the previous step on the balloon that is full of rice, you repeat this process at least once more and you have made the juggling ball.

  • Look to put at least 3 balloons per ball, because if you only do it with 2, you can break easily.
  • If you do juggling balls with children, be especially careful in the step that scissors use. We even recommend that you cut the balloons yourself to avoid any accidents.