How to avoid stomach torsion in dogs

The Gastric Dilatation Syndrome, known as " BLOAT " in English, is one of the conditions that can end up causing one of the most terrible ailments for our pet, especially for those dogs that belong to large or giant races . If you do not act quickly and with the intervention of a veterinarian, our friend could die in minutes. Therefore, in .com we teach you how to avoid stomach torsion in dogs.

What is stomach torsion

Our dog's stomach gets too full of food, gases or liquids. The usual thing is that all this ends up being expelled naturally. However, sometimes the gastric bag dilates without the dog being able to burp, expel gas or vomit.

This is when the Gastric Dilatation Syndrome begins that, in certain occasions, reaches to inflame both the stomach of the animal that its ligaments, incapable to support so much weight, can not avoid the balancing of the organ of the digestive apparatus, that ends rotating on itself .

Why it affects more large breeds

We again make it clear that torsion of the stomach can affect any dog, even puppies. However, the disease is more related to dogs of large and giant breeds, due precisely to the size of the dog.

In these breeds, generally weighing more than 30 kilos and a fairly wide breast with depth, are the main patients of the dreaded torsion of the stomach and the mystery lies precisely in its own morphology.

They have more space inside, have larger stomachs and longer ligaments that fail to fix this part of the digestive system. Therefore, breeds such as the Mastiff, the Great Dane, the Saint Bernard, the Greyhound or the German Shepherd, among others, are the main affected.

What can I do to prevent canine stomach twisting?

It is very important to observe some simple rules that, in many cases, will be responsible for that with a little routine, our dog is healthy and we do not have to face the stomach torsion:

  • Prevents the dog from drinking a lot of liquid at one time.
  • Try to divide the food into several portions, so you do not eat everything in one single intake.
  • One hour before eating and until three hours have elapsed from the meal, the dog should not do any kind of rough exercise.
  • Avoid heat strokes, so it does not hinder your breathing and make you swallow more air.
  • Watch the animal in situations that may be overwhelming: transfers, trips, bustle, etc. Stress also contributes to the dog panting and swallowing more air.
  • In case you detect a possible stomach torsion, transfer the dog immediately to the vet on duty . This disease can not be treated at home, because it needs immediate surgical intervention.