What documentation do I need to pass the ITV

Passing the ITV is a simple procedure, but it can be extended if you do not go to your appointment with all the necessary documentation . It is also important that, before going, you know what is reviewed in the ITV . So, if you have the certainty that something is not right, you can fix it previously and you will pass the review without problems. In .com we answer the question of what documentation I need to pass the ITV.

Steps to follow:


One of the documents that you have to present in order to pass the review on the ITV Card that was issued to the vehicle in the previous test.


You must also provide the driving license of the car that is going to be examined.


Another document that you must present to pass the ITV is the accreditation of the compulsory insurance of the car. You must provide the last receipt of the bank in which you have the payment domiciled, so you will certify that a policy is paid for the car.


In some provinces, in addition, the person who takes the car to pass the review has to provide their ID. If you are not clear on when to go to this inspection, we invite you to read our article when you must pass the ITV.