How to tell my son that the Magi do not exist

There is a moment in life in which some parents must face the big question: do the Magi exist? When a child says this, it is usually because he has already heard comments about the nonexistence of the three characters or because he begins to tie things together.

Parents often do not know how to react to the possibility of having to inform their children that it is a fantasy. When should I tell him? or how do I tell it? These are common questions that all parents ask themselves when the time comes. Stay tuned for this article because in .com we want to teach you how to tell your children that the Magi do not exist in the best way so that the revelation does not become a little drama for them.

Steps to follow:


Keep in mind that parents will ultimately decide when children should find out about the situation. Even if your child hears rumors in school or is told by a family member older than him, he will always call on his parents for confirmation.

At that moment, when the questions begin, the reasoning or inconsistencies that the child poses, is when you must assess whether it is appropriate or not to tell the truth . You must make that decision based on the child's age and maturity. If the child is old enough and begins to show a certain critical spirit, it is useless to hide the truth and even harmful, because you can interpret that you are not frank with him.

If, on the other hand, the child is still very small, value their maturity. If you consider that you can continue to extend the fantasy a few more years, there is nothing wrong with that.


The reaction of children to such news will depend on many factors. It is possible that there are children who have it very clear and who only await your confirmation or children who only ask why someone has told them and expect a negative response on your part as they wish to continue believing in them.

Sometimes children can react dramatically, accusing parents of phonies, where there is no lack of crying and disappointment. We must be patient and understanding with them, make them understand that everything is done for their own good, so that they are happy and develop their imagination and fantasy. In the words of children, you can calm the shock by mixing fantasy and reality, telling them, for example, that the wise men were very busy and asked parents for help, for example.


Make them participants in the revelation and involve them in the perpetuation of the secret. It is important that they understand that it is a custom in which everyone collaborates and that it has to do with the love towards them, that is why it is essential that they also collaborate so that the tradition continues.

That way they will feel that they have acquired superior information because they are already getting older, which will improve their self-esteem and help them to have more confidence in themselves. They will have become your accomplices.


Talk to other fathers or mothers to get their opinion on how they have done it, if their children already know it or for advice.

Sharing experiences on these topics is always beneficial and if they are in the same class or have a similar age, more. This way you will be able to know which children of your class know it and even agree on a common method in face of the risk that all the children in the class will learn at the same time.

Writing letters to your children is also a good idea. You can choose one in which you simply explain that it is a tradition in which you want to make children happy, or use a little more your imagination and write a story in which you end up explaining the truth, but in a more metaphorical way.

Whatever alternative you choose, remember to be subtle, patient and understanding . Finally we have all gone through that and we know that discovering the truth is not always easy.