How much does it cost to divorce by mutual agreement?

Since the divorce law was passed in Spain, this legal concept has been discussed and modified. But what really matters to people who have to resort to it is how much it will cost them to divorce. It is a procedure to which we do not go willingly, for what it implies, and that we prefer to resolve as quickly and economically as possible. For ero in .com we explain how much it costs to divorce by mutual agreement .


The divorce by mutual agreement, as the name indicates, is the divorce in which both spouses agree to break the marriage bond. This agreement can be initial, both spouses submit a joint or subsequent divorce claim, that is, the claim for divorce is filed by one and the other is adhered to posteriori.


To be eligible for divorce by mutual agreement must have been 3 months from the conclusion of the marriage, the divorce claim must be filed jointly or by one of the spouses with the consent of the other, and must be accompanied by a proposal for a regulatory agreement signed by both parties.


  • For the processing of the procedure: € 750 (recommended)
  • For the negotiation and drafting of the regulatory agreement without special complexity: € 450 (recommended)
  • If the negotiation of the agreement has involved a special effort, the fees may be prudently increased: € 900 (recommended)

The price of divorce by mutual agreement is usually quite economical. The usual thing is that there is agreement on the regulatory agreement (with little intervention of the lawyer), both parties can appear with the same attorney and lawyer, and this limits its function to the processing of the procedure and the supervision of the drafting of the regulatory agreement. It can only trigger the price if it finally becomes expensive to reach an agreement on the regulatory agreement, which is not usual.