What is the NIE

The NIE is the name that popularly receives the Foreigner Identity Number, that is, the personal and exclusive number received by people arriving in Spain from another country. This numbering and document will be the foreigner's identifier and will appear in all formalities and documents issued officially. Unlike national IDs, NIEs consist of an initial letter, seven digits and an alphabetical verification character. In this article we explain in more detail what the NIE is.

What is the NIE

The Foreigner Identity Number, although popularly known as NIE, is a personal, unique and exclusive number received by foreigners residing in Spain. It is an identifier that must be included in official documents and necessary to carry out procedures.

Why the NIE is necessary

The NIE is essential to perform a significant number of procedures and procedures in Spain, so it is highly recommended to request it as soon as possible. You will need, for example, to have a Foreigner Identification Number for issues related to:

  • Housing (purchase-sale, mortgages, etc.)
  • Administration (registration, certificates of occupancy, civil registry ...)
  • Social Security (obtaining SS number, unemployment benefits or unemployment, etc.)
  • Economic relations (open accounts, corporation taxes, VAT ...)
  • Others : contracting services (electricity, gas, water), scholarships and grants, driving license ...

Who can request it

NIE may apply for foreigners who, due to their economic, professional or social interests, are related to Spain. In this way, they must apply for their Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) with the corresponding numbering for all foreigners who have been authorized to remain in Spain for a period exceeding 6 months. To apply for it, it is necessary to prove that you have the corresponding residence and / or work authorization, or the authorization to stay as a student.

How can you get the NIE

This procedure can be done once arrived in Spain or from the country of origin, through the Spanish Consulate. If requested in the Spanish State, must be made in the Dependencies of the National Police and the necessary documents will be:

  • Official application form (EX-15).
  • Identity card or original passport and photocopy.
  • Communication of the economic, professional or social causes that justify the request.
  • Photo white background in color carnet size (for the TIE).
  • In the event that a representative requests it, he / she must have sufficient power in which it is expressly stated that he / she is authorized to present this request.

See our article How to get the NIE to know all the details.