Why does my car spend a lot of gas

Monitor the consumption of gasoline is important car and not only for economic reasons and the price at which the fuel is. It is essential because it is an indication that something in the car is not right. In fact, if you notice that the gasoline consumption of the vehicle has increased and that it is higher in relation to its use and the distances traveled, it is because there is a problem in its operation that makes the car spend more gasoline. These are situations that should be detected because life can be put at risk depending on the failure caused by this increase in fuel consumption. But what are these causes? From, we explain all the factors that influence to try to answer your question of why my car spends a lot of gasoline ?

Leaks: the main cause of the car spending a lot of gas

One of the most common reasons why the car spends a lot of gas is that there is a possible fuel leak in the vehicle . Sometimes, this leak can be imperceptible because it is occurring little by little and you do not perceive, for example, stains on the floor when the car is parked.

However, these small losses are added and make the amount lost is greater in total, noticing consequently higher consumption. Anyway, on many occasions, these leaks are perceived because it smells like burned gasoline.

And, why do these leaks occur? The reason is that there are parts of the vehicle that are not right. In general, it is due to problems in the hoses of the fuel pump or in the valve, in the petrol injectors or to holes in the tank. These are pieces that should be checked to solve the problem.

But be careful, because the problem, sometimes, is in closing the lid of the tank . If it is not tightly closed, the gasoline evaporates.

Car parts in poor condition that increase spending on gasoline

As we have commented previously, in many occasions, the car spends a lot of gasoline because there are some parts that do not work well . Apart from those related to leaks we have already discussed, it is also important to pay attention to other parts of the vehicle:

  • Catalytic converter: when the catalytic converter is blocked, the fuel does not burn well because the gasoline mixes with the air. This bad combustion makes it necessary to consume more fuel for the car to circulate.
  • Spark plugs: this piece is key in the vehicle because it is responsible for generating the spark to produce internal combustion in the car. If it has a fault or is not in good condition, this process is not carried out properly. Here we tell you How to change the spark plugs of the car.
  • Battery: if the car battery does not work properly, more gas is used because the spark plugs do not have enough energy to spark the internal combustion.
  • Temperature sensors: the higher gasoline expense may also be related to the temperature sensors, which may be damaged, so that the cooling system does not work properly. Thus, the car always has a higher temperature, which leads to a higher consumption not only of gasoline, but also of oil.
  • Oxygen sensor: this piece is responsible for controlling the amount of oxygen in the exhaust to adjust, accordingly, the cost of fuel. So, if it does not work well, the gasoline consumption increases.
  • Tires: tires with little air in the tires make the consumption of gasoline higher because it increases the contact surface with the ground. In addition, this can in turn cause the wheels of the car are not well aligned so it will generate more wear, which again results in this increase in fuel.

Driving errors that make the car spend a lot of fuel

Sometimes, the highest fuel consumption in the car is not related to failures or breakdowns in this. And there may also be other causes such as bad driving . It is proven that having bad driving habits causes more gasoline to be consumed. But, what are those human failures that raise the bill at the gas station? These are the most frequent and, in many cases, they are done unconsciously:

  • Accelerator: misuse or abuse of the accelerator increases the consumption of gasoline, which especially grows with accelerators, which often do not represent a significant saving of time to arrive before the destination. It is better to drive at a constant speed depending on the surface of the track and the vehicle's engine.
  • Brake: a bad use of the accelerator is not the only pedal that increases the cost of gasoline. In fact, the brake spends more fuel when it is not used well and is not driven properly. They are situations in which you have to be stepping on the brake continuously and every time to slow down. It is better to regulate it with the proper gear and using the accelerator well.
  • Load: the load that is carried in the car influences the consumption of gasoline. Obviously, a very loaded car increases the expense because it has to move more weight. In addition, the tires may not have the necessary pressure to carry that load.
  • Windows: Another common error is driving with the windows down. This increases the consumption of gasoline because, if they are not raised, the aerodynamic influence is influenced, which is also influenced by roof racks or transport bars, among other components. And, above all, more gas is spent if the window is lowered and the air conditioning system is put on.

With these explanations, we have been waiting since answering your question about why my car spends a lot of gasoline? Whenever you have any doubts, it is important that you consult with a mechanic to solve it and, of course, make the regulatory revisions to the vehicle to verify that everything is fine.