How ecological tires are

The ecological tires are made of a material that is not derived from petroleum, with which they already contribute their grain of sand to the environment. But, in addition, during their operation they have a lower resistance when rolling than conventional tires, which have a longer life and save fuel.

To know in detail the characteristics and benefits that this type of wheels can bring, in .com we explain what ecological tires are like .


Ecological tires are distinguished from conventional tires in that they are made of natural materials. Some manufacturers already offer them and others are still experimenting to launch them on the market shortly, given the demand they are having.

Thus, instead of using isoprene, a petroleum derivative, as a manufacturing base, eco-friendly tires use natural substances. One of these ecological materials is biolsoprene. It is a microorganism that is genetically modified.

It also works with algae in order to replace the amorphous silica, a reinforcing component of traditional wheels .

This type of rubber and the own design of the footprint of the ecological tires do that his resistance to the rolling is lower that another class of wheels, with what they wear less and his useful life is much longer, of about 45.000 kilometers, approximately, compared to 30, 000 or 40, 000 of a conventional wheel .

With this, the fact that the ecological tires are more expensive is compensated, oscillating between 70 and 125 euros.


As we can imagine by their characteristics, the ecological tires have as a basic benefit the fact that they are less harmful to the environment . The first reason is found in its components that are natural and do not derive from oil.

In addition, the fact that its rolling resistance is lower than that of traditional wheels means that we emit less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when we move with our vehicle.

This feature also contributes to generating fuel savings that we need from an average of six euros per 1, 000 kilometers.