How to choose a dog for children

The dog is man's best friend, but what you may not have known is that he can also be your children's best friend if you choose the right race. A dog, far from being a hindrance, can be of great help when it comes to educating your children.

He is a loving and faithful companion, besides being a very interactive animal with human beings and sociable. Children will learn to communicate in a more instinctive way and to understand the basics of communication from observing and listening to the needs of another living being that does not speak their language. Which is more necessary for the future than we often think.

Then, from, we explain how to choose a dog for children, so you can enjoy the multiple benefits of the little ones growing up in the company of a pet.

The dog breeds ideal for children

Knowing that having a dog as a pet to accompany children in their development is one of the 10 reasons why having a dog, you should think about some things before choosing it. For example, you must take into account the size of your dog and your child, because if you are going to make it walk it is necessary that the dog has no more strength than the child, for obvious reasons.

The other point to consider is our ability to host at the space level (which will determine if we can have a large or small dog) and dedication time (to decide if it will be more active or less).

From here, we will show you 7 dog breeds ideal for children :

Bichon Maltese

It looks like a stuffed animal but it is not, and it is important that all members of the family take it into account. From there, the Maltese Bichon is an ideal breed for children since it is playful, affectionate and harmless as long as it runs long enough to get tired at home. In addition, it is one of the best breeds of dogs to live in apartments.


Very energetic and somewhat nervous, so in principle they are ideal for moved children. They are protective and, if they are not well educated, they tend to bark a lot to warn us of anything. Of course, solved the issue of rides and barking, are the funniest option to have with children. Beagles are very happy and playful dogs, also respectful, affectionate and patient. They will be a faithful friend for your son and great companion of adventures and games.


The big screen gave them fame thanks to the Walt Disney movie, but beyond that, the Dalmatian is really an exceptional race to deal with the little ones. They are faithful and energetic, but very careful with the masters, and attentive. They are also very sociable if they are properly educated from positive reinforcement. They are a good option if yours is a sports family that enjoys doing outdoor activities, because they need a good dose of field to satiate their energy.

Golden retriever and labrador retriever

In general, labrador and golden retriever dogs have a character that fits very well with family life. Although they grow a lot, they are affectionate and docile from the first day, and they are dogs that have special delicacy with children. In addition, they are very obedient, patient and easy to teach. They get along well with other dogs and are very sociable with people.

San Bernardo and Bobtail

They are two different races but we put them together because they need similar care. Both are dogs that need a lot of space and time to run freely until they get tired. They can not stand living in a flat, unless they are taken out on the street several times a day and exercise, and it is almost essential to live near the field or have a good garden for a convivial life without problems. Of course, the two are pure love: big, soft, hairy (you have to brush them often) and nothing aggressive or nervous. Ideal to live with children. In addition, both breeds are the quietest dogs there are.

The characteristics of an ideal dog for children

In case you prefer to adopt a purebred dog or not, one of the most important aspects is that you notice that the dog you are going to choose is patient and calm, but eager to play . Experts recommend that it should not be more than two years or be less than eight months. So that he does not give as much work as a puppy but is still in a playful age, which is when they are more fun and show a special interest and ease to interact with children.

Another important characteristic is that it is not a very dominant or possessive dog, so as not to have problems with the toys. Dogs with a marked hunting instinct are usually very jealous of their prey, even if it is a ball or a sock. That's why, although they are not aggressive, they can be grumpy if your children join the game of stealing their toys, or the other way around.

In any case, the most important thing when choosing a dog for children, is to do it with the children. Especially if you decide to adopt a kennel dog or animal protector. The most advisable thing is to go all together and be advised by the people who work there, who are the ones who best know the characters of the dogs they have.

Just take into account, before going, the time and care that you will be able to devote to your dog, and talk honestly with those of the reception center so that they find the option that best suits your needs.

Benefits of growing up with a dog for children

A dog can be a great help when teaching little ones to take responsibility, since having a pet will learn to take care of a living being just like their parents are doing with them.

It is not necessary to remember, in addition, that the dogs are used a lot in therapies for children with emotional or physical difficulties, since the contact with these animals helps them to improve their relationship with other beings and their capacity of motor coordination.

And in fact, to take good care of a dog you have to be attentive to nonverbal language and get the most instinctive part of one because they do not speak with the same language as humans but do know, for example, when their master He is happy or sad.

A dog is an animal that makes a lot of company, and this can help children to lose fear, for example, to the dark, since the dog is always watching over him, and the child knows it. Growing up in the company of a dog will help you feel safe facing the outside and to go with more confidence thanks to your furry companion.