How to remind people to attend a meeting

Meetings are important for any business, company or group of staff, as they give employees or colleagues the opportunity to meet and discuss ideas, organize and improve communication between each other or with other companies. In order to make the meetings a success, it is important that all the people involved attend it. Sending reminders before a meeting increases attendance, and has employees add the meeting to their calendar. The reminders are easy to send and require very little time.

You will need to:
  • Office of the communication program
Steps to follow:


Send a massive email to everyone who will attend the meeting . Massive e-mail reminders work efficiently for groups of people who do not work together, such as a sports club meeting or reading club.


Insert the addresses in the email and include a reminder message indicating the date of the meeting and the time. Send the email to the recipients.


Remind people of a meeting with text messages. If you have a small group, sending text messages to those who need to attend is quick and provides immediate notification. Since most people carry their phone with them, text messages are easy to read and do not get lost in an email box.


Set a meeting reminder, through an office communication program. Using the program, you can select a group of recipients and indicate a date and time for the meeting in a reminder box. Send the internal note to all who will attend the meeting.

  • If you send a meeting reminder email, do not leave any member of the group, it could inconvenience the person who has left.
  • By sending a large text message through your mobile phone, you can use the function to send the same message to a group of contacts